

Roleplay Title

Dawning of a new Era!



Next Match

Triple Threat vs. Hulk Hogan vs. Sting

People Mentioned

Read and find out!

-Scene- The scene opens up as The Undertaker is driving his motercycle and he stops and some local bar in Atlanta. He walks in and there is a bar fight going on at the time. As he is walking to the counter, a small chant starts up "Undertaker, Undertaker". Undertaker waves his hand in the air. But after the bar fight ends, a man approaches the "Deadman".

-Man- Hey Taker, you wanna go right now. See, I was friends with Nash and X-Pac. As a matter of fact i was the one who brought them together and to the UWA. But what the hell happened. You come along and take there places? What the hell is that?

-The Undertaker- I sure hope your not talking to me with that sort of tone in your voice. Becuase if you are, I will do something about it. Listen, for one, I am not the one who causes them to get fired. It was Shane. But if you have something to say about me, Shane, or anyone else in the UWA, why dont you just tell me.

-Man- You know what deadman, I do have something to say. I think your a washed up piece of crap. You know, I am sick of seing you waddle your ass into the ring. I mean, dont you get sick of getting your ass kicked time and time again? I mean I cant wait till this Wednesday, when Sting and Hogan destroy you.

-The Undertaker- Alright, I am going to give you one last chance. Either get the hell out of my face, or I will remove you myself.

-Scene- The man shoves Undertaker, but he dont move. Taker then lifts the man and throws him onto the pool table. Taker then starts to pumble the man as a punch of guys attack the Undertaker. Undertaker starts fighting back and he uses a pool stick to beat the piss out of them. He pretty much clears the bar before leaving on his motercycle.

2 Hours Later

The Undertaker arrives at the arena where he is scheduled to wrestle. He takes off his leather black jackets as he gets into his dressing room. The first thing he notices is a Hollywood Hogan poster on the wall. He looks at it for a minute and the crumples it up. As throws his bag down he hears a knock on the door. He opens it and there stands Michael Cole.

-Michael Cole- Mr. Taker, I wondering if I could get a quick word with you.

-The Undertaker- What the hell do you want. I have enough problems as it is. What could you possibly be thinking, barging in when I just got here. Well what is it?

-Michael Cole- Well Undertaker, it seems as if you are going to be facing to of the top athletes in the business today, Sting and Hogan. What are your comments on this?

-The Undertaker- Hmm, comments? Well it will be just like everyone else that thinks there better than me. Ill show them why I run this yard. I dont know to much about Sting. But Hogan, me and him go back ways away. I remember Surviver Series, when I beat his ass for the title. Anything else you need to ask me?

-Michael Cole- Well, this is a pretty big match. Hulk Hogan has already qualified in the King of the Deathmatch tournament and so havent you. I mean, we could be looking at you and Hogan in the finals at Wrestlemania.

-The Undertaker- Well, you could be right. Hogan has been pretty impressive lately. I mean look at last week, he beat the Next Big Thing Brock Lesnar. Now that is something I cant say that I have done. Now earlier on, somone called me washed-up? Now what the hell are they talking about when my two opponents combined age has to be in the 300's. Hahaa. But anyways, I know what I am dealing with. Sting I have never wrestled. I have seen him in big time matches where he has risen to the ocasions. As a matter of fact didnt he win the WCW championship a few times. Well, that aint no big accomplishment if you know what I mean. Look at some of the title holders of the WCW titles, David Arquete, umm how about the monster; Vince Russo. Whoever they are, I will show them why they call me the phenom. But for now, I have a match, so I'll see you later.

-Scene- The Undertakers leaves his locker room and his music begins to play. Taker walks out to the ring(without his motercycle) and looks at his oppenet(jobber) and laughs.

He then starts walking done to the ring. As he steps over the second rope, his oppenent attcks him. Undertaker just throws him off. He lifts the jobber up and chokeslams him. 1-2-3, the match is over and another win in the books for Undertaker.

As the Undertaker gets back to his dressing room, he is caught up by some fan with a Sting t-shirt.

-Sting Fan- Do you really think you have a shot at beating Sting. I mean, Undertaker, you are just a dead piece of crap. I mean what do you have that Sting dont. I mean, all he will do is a Stinger Splash, following a Scorpion Deathdrop, and then he will finish you off with a Scorpion Deathlock. Me personally Undertaker, I think you are very lucky that this isnt a King of the Deathmatch match, because if it was, you would be eliminated.

-The Undertaker- Hahaha, you are just the type that I like. You have no brians what so ever. First off, he wont be hitting no Stinger Deathlock or whatever its called. It will be simply like the last match we say. Clothesline, Chokeslam, 1-2-3. Enough said. Now I sugest you leave now, or you gonna get an ass-whoopin.

-Scene- The scene fades away as the Undertaker walks to his locker room.