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Ghost Road

The Story: Many years ago, a mother left her young son home with a baby-sitter. When she returned to her house she found it burning. Expecting to see her son safe outside the house she went to find him in the woods. Instead he was stuck in the house and died. Today it is said that the mother still searches the woods looking for her son.

Location: 1050N and Meridian Rd. in Chesterton, Indiana

Directions: From Highway 49 turn west on 1100 N, at the third stop sign you will see meridian, turn south on meridian and go .5 a mile and that road will be 1050N.

Our very first ghost investigation was a visited Ghost Road on November 8, 2002.  We didn't really know what to expect.  We walked down the road a little ways to see if this was ghost down there, but we did not find anything.  We even tried crying thinking that maybe if this ghost hears us crying it will think it's her son, but that didn't work.  We took a camera, but were unsure what to take a picture of since it's all trees and some cornfields.  Maybe the ghost just didn't want to come out this night.

Investigation Number 2

We visited ghost road again on December 6, 2002. We stood around and looked for a ghost and didn't see anything. So we decided to talk a walk down the street to see if it was down there. Still didn't find it. The scary thing about this road has nothing to do with a ghost, it's the dog that likes to chase people as they walk down the street.

Investigation Number 3

We thought we would give Ghost Road another visit, just in case we might have missed something.  Also there have been "For Sale" signs up on the property for a year or so.  So very soon this road could be surrounded by houses instead of trees.  For this visit we decided to stay in the car and just drive slowly down the road instead of getting out and getting chased by a dog again.  We made our third visit to Ghost Road on April 1, 2004.  It was about 11 p.m. with the temperature around 40 degrees with light winds.  We drove down the road, it's only like .5 miles long, and looked out the windows to see if we could find this lady.  We took some pictures of the woods, hoping that maybe something would turn up there, but nothing did except a bunch of trees.  So another trip to ghost road and we return again with nothing.  This investigation proves that ghost road is not haunted by anything and is not worth visiting unless you like to look at trees.

Just a normal road, no ghost woman here.


Just a picture of some of the hundreds of trees that surround Ghost Road.


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