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Great Ghost Sites

Even though it may be hard to believe, there are other great ghost sites.  We have found some and put there links on this page for you to check them out.  If you think your site is good enough to be added to this list send us your website address along with the name of your site.  We will be glad to add it to our list if we feel it's great.

Sites that have won our award:

Alone - A site that has some great ghost photos and some great information on asylums.

Beltsville Ghosts - A site that has some great information and is very easy to use.

Renees Ghosts - A site that has anything and everything you could possible want about ghosts.

Winter Steel - A site that has tons of information on anything paranormal.

South West Louisiana Ghost Haunting Society - If you live in Louisiana you have to check out this site.  Even if you don't still look at the ghost haunting tips.

The Alien Universe - A site that not only has some great information on aliens, but also everything else you could think of.

Great Ghost Sites:

The Force East Central Chapter - A chapter of The Force that has some great investigations of Indiana. - a search engine that only has paranormal related sites. - a great website with reviews of other ghost related websites and an up to date list of current ghost events.

Darken Souls - the source to learn about the unknown.