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Old Indian Burial Ground

The Story: This is down the road from Fallen Rock Parke Restaurant. It is on top of a hill. There is a cemetery up there and an Indian buried himself up there for some odd reason. If you climb up there at midnight and stand there for a second you can hear drums and howling. Some have even seen the shadow of the lonely Indian.

Location: Off of Highway 59, North of Brazil.

Directions: Take Highway 59, it's about 4 miles from Brazil, until you see the Bridgeton town sign.  You'll also see a sign that says camping.  Turn East and go down that road about 3 miles.  Once you pass the Fallen Rock Parke Restaurant start looking to the left.  You will make a turn and then there will be an opening.  Up on the hill in that opening will be the cemetery.

We visited the Old Indian Burial Ground on Wednesday May 12, 2004 at about 10:45 pm.  It was lightly raining outside while we were there with the temperature around 60.  We spent forever on Tuesday looking for it so we were excited when we finally did find it.  It's definitely nothing big, there are only 12 gravestones or so.  There is nowhere to park so if you are going you'll probably need someone to sit in the car in case another car comes down the road.  To get up to the cemetery you have to go through a bunch of weeds that are about knee high, then hop over a fence.  After hopping the fence get ready to climb a hill that's pretty steep and about 50 feet tall.  After doing all of that we made it to the top.  We took some pictures, but didn't take a lot since it was raining and cold.  We got one picture that had a few orbs on it.  We didn't hear any drums or howling.  On the the way down T-Bone slipped on the wet grass and went sliding down the hill a little ways.  The cemetery isn't anything great, but it is one of the few Indian cemeteries around.

Really hard to tell what might be rain or orbs.  There is a red orb or rain drop in the middle.


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