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~Hello, web surfers! Thanks for taking the time to visit my little Hayden site. A good site, as we all know, is dependent upon it's visitors. Each of you usually has some bit of news, fact, information or even a picture that is different....I would like this site to be different, because Hayden isn't run-of-the-mill! However, I haven't the skill of experience to do this on my own. Anything I post will be credited to you-please specify what you would like made accessible to viewers, name, email, nick name, etc... Also, in the back of my tiny, overtaxed mind, stems a review idea. Hey,we all have something in common. We admire great acting abilities! For anyone who would like to learn more about Hayden, reviews of his latest bio(I HAVE to get that!), shows, appearances on TV, movies, would be really helpful-and fun! If you've seen Higher Ground, for instance, write a review of your favorite episode...or the summary of Hayden's "Real Kids, Real Adventures" Episode. I was lucky enough to catch most of that on Global one !!Saturday Morning!! a few years ago. If anyone's interested, I'll write that review as soon as I can. Thanx for reading this..please take action, send me your opinion!~


