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Song Lyrics

1.Oh Moon in the Sky

Oh, moon in the sky,
Wind on the Sea,
Show me a face,
Show him to me.

Rustling vines,
Windowsill trailing
Leaves in the trees
Lone dog a-wailing

Oh, moon in the sky,
Wind on the Sea,
Show me a face,
Show him to me.

Dry sand a-blowing
Dark waves shush gently
Is everyone sleeping?
What thoughts the dark sent me!

Oh, moon in the sky,
Wind on the Sea,
Show me a face,
Show him to me.

Alone in the silence,
Alone in the night,
His face seems much clearer!
Whole in my sight

Oh, moon in the sky,
Wind on the Sea,
Show me a face,
Show him to me.




