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1.As I Walked

It seems
That the sun is brighter
I think birds are happier today
Than they've ever been before.
The grass is greener
Than I remember
Did you know
The breeze felt so good?
I never have before.
The change
Is inside
The world has always smelled this sweet
But until your soul is at peace
Your heart opened with love
Your eyes and everything about you
Cannot fathom the beauty of a single day

2.If I Wished

If I looked until I found
You would say I'm happy
But if I found
Whatever I sought
I think I'd not be happy
If I wished what I had not
I would be unhappy
And if whatever I wished was brought,
I would be unhappy
So I guess I mean to say
It's fine to like Dear Hayden
Because that's a wish that'll
Last us many a year
We'll never be unhappy
Because it isn't a wish
One would expect
To come true

