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Take Your Pick!
Hayden Christensen
c/o The Gersh Agency
232 N. Canon Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Hayden Christensen
10960 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90024
Hayden Christensen
c/o Dani DeLio
DeLio Talent Agency
1357 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON, Cananda M5R 3H8
Hayden Christensen
c/o Robert Kass Management
209 N. Canon Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Interviews, Trailers, Film Clips
Movie Trailer: Life as a House
Movie Trailer: Star Wars: Episode II--Attack of the Clones
Interview: Cannes 2002
Live Event - Golden Globes 2002
Stepping out from Star Wars
E! News Live: Hayden Christensen
Talking Star Wars
E! News Live: Hayden Christensen
On Skywalker & skyrocketing fame
You can see all these by going to the link above! Have fun!
Sexy actor HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN has dismissed suggestions that he is the next LEONARDO DICAPRIO.
The 21-year-old beat heart-throb DiCaprio to get the part of ANAKIN SKYWALKER in mega-movie STAR WARS: EPISODE 2 - ATTACK OF THE CLONES.
But the handsome star is not interested in pin-up status- he wants to be seen as a serious actor.
He says, "I never wanted that, and I don't understand that. I don't want it."
The actor has also revealed that he has never looked up to actors."They're not important people. They're pretending. That's why I don't understand fame as it relates to actors.
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