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Unionville High School (above).

This is where Hayden attended highschool. On the weekends, his Italian grandmother from the US (Long Island), would drive him to New York, where he attended acting school.

In the Language of the Elves

If Hayden was a hobbit, i.e., Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings," what would his name be? In case you have ever asked yourself that question (well, in case you're interested), I trotted to the land of smaller beings ( only physically, I pray you), and asked them myself. Hayden's name, in hobbit, is Posco Knotwise. And where does Posco reside? Why, Michel Delving, of course. So Hayden Christensen is Posco Knotwise of Michel Delving. (LOL)


Birthday Trees! Yes, we have Posco's Birthday Tree, don't get too excited. The Tree is the "Maple Tree-Independence of Mind" April 11-20, and October14-23.

No ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self respect, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, many complexes, good memory, learns easily, complicated love, wants to impress.

Exactly HOW old is Hayden?

The average age of the young man, as of Sat., June 1, 2002 at 3:36 p.m., is 21 years, 7,713 Days, 185,127 Hours, 111,076,656 Minutes, and 666,459,500 seconds.

Hayden's Gem and Flower

Hayden's gem (for April) is the diamond-it stands for innocence. I think this is very special nowadays. His flower(s) are the sweet pea- and the daisy. Both theses flowers are very simple, yet hardy and they remain special to us after HOW many years of growing unnoticed in the hedges? Hayden's color is yellow.

Hayden can juggle!

Hayden says he can juggle 3 objects at a time!