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Need More Hayden in your Life? Read how to


Bring Hayden into your Lifestyle


Okay, let's get started. You have a life, and obviously you need more Hayden Christensen in it. Don't worry, it's a common problem, especially since 2000- but there are ways to combat this.

First of all, find out when Hayden's on TV. You can do this by clicking on your self help symbol

Secondly, here's some more advice. Now, Hayden is a big fan of SWEET POTATOES, a dish his mom makes that is, quote,"gooey," with marshmallows on top. This recipe is not his mother's, but it may help with the Hayden cravings. After all, Hayden loves this dish!

Sweet Potato Casserole

4 cups of sweet potatoes, canned

1 peeled apple, diced

1 tablespoon of brown sugar

Half a teaspoon of cinnamon

One third cup of melted butter or margarine

Marshmallows-as many as you wish

Mix together all of the ingredients except the sugar and the marshmallows. Place mixture in a greased casserole dish-(or whatever you have).

Top with brown sugar and marshmallows. Bake for 45 minutes at approximately 350 degrees.

Now, Hayden's favorite movie is the Princess Bride-so buy it here!

H-m-m-m. Still need help? Ever hear of the 'Real Kids, Real Adventures' TV Series? Well, Hayden was in an episode, titled "Paralyzed," and you can watch a mini trailer (54 second clip), from it! Just click on the second self help button.

Did you know that you can watch a clear, mini sreen version of two different episodes of Higher Ground every single week? I'm serious! It should really help your health. This site uses Real Player. Click on your third self help symbol, and ENJOY the wonderful site that gives us this opportunity to see Hayden, Hayden, and more Hayden-just what the doctor ordered!

There will be many more additions to self help soon! So hang in there-doctor's are working on it!


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