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« z » -->Thursday,March 06, 2003

Sorry that it's been so long since the last update.Ardency & I have had A LOT of stuff going on, between school and me working. THE CLAN IS NOT SLOWING DOWN, we are still goin strong.We are currently up to around 8 or 9 Members and we are now in good standings with BL clan(Blood Legion). I am currently in the process of talking to thier Site manager about getting some help on this site. Here soon we will hopefully have a forum. like i said we got nw members, and i am currently making a members area and a area to describe the ranking system.One more thing, if you havent noticed, i changed my name and this is the name that i will be on battle net. Seriphim[HLD].

Tuesday, Febuary 26, 2003

Hey, Finally things are starting to look good on the site, finally sorta learned html. New people Joined the clan.Ksena is the co-founder & leader (SO NO MESSIN W/ HER .. lol, j/k).Also Laviathan joined and is 3rd in Command now ... thinking of the way that i'm gonna do ranks as of now .. Still many good ranks are available, so join up now. Arc_Angel[HLD].

Tuesday, Febuary 25, 2003

Website is up and going ... sorry for short post .. things are kinda hectic now ... looking for members so ... join now for good rank . Arc_Angel[HLD].