The Three-Muskateers Dictionary

The full listing and meanings of the language of the Three Muskateers.

Hope = crazy spastic person.
Steph = spell-check.
Robyn = "dirty blonde."
Paige = cool sense of style; also see Wanda.
Josh = first boyfriend. (noun)
Hope's Josh = Josh.
Robyn's Josh = Eric.
Steph's Josh = Phil.
Paige's Josh = Joe; also see Cosmo.
Hope, The = crazy spastic dancing that Hope has "copyrighted."
First Date = a cool, animated song.
Evil Bunnies = Steph and Paige doing animations of bunnies.
cheeseburger = according to Alyssa, either a crush or a boyfriend.
Chinese slippers = THE shoes. (Paige has five pairs.)
Bob the Builder = Steph's stalker. (He has fixed it.)
Cosmo = Hope's nickname for Joe.
Wanda = Hope's nickname for Paige.
Twix bar = Just think about it...
people = Steph's audiance.
All-of-the-above = Mary.
Three Muskateers = 1) A candy bar. 2) Ms. Millevoi's nickname for Hope, Steph, and Robyn.
tassels = cat dildo.
Dorian Gray = sexy. (As Steph says...)
The White House = a racist strip joint.
Beyblade and Zoids = the secret anime loves of Robyn when she was in elementary school.
Stephisms = jokes involving sex, money, butlers, and anything like that.
ish = is, am, are.
su! = suffix; added randomly to the end of any word or phrase.
Steve = the stapler that rarely staples well in room 111, the computer programming classroom.
Peter = the spazzy printer in room 111, the computer programming classroom.
The Sniffle Club = you are a member of this club if you have a cold, allergies, and/or the flu.
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