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Armageddon Survival-Kit

The Armageddon Survival Kit includes:-
The Way home or face The Fire - The Key to The Scriptures, which explains everything; in plain, easy to understand, language.  This Book explains everything, from the reason why the Earth was created, to what our True Nature and Life Purpose is.  Most importantly, it also explains how we have to fight for God; to help to put this insane world we live in back on the Right Path - back to God, rather than the path of self-destruction that we are currently on; to earn our pardon and right to Survive Armageddon and enter into God's Kingdom in The Sabbath Millennium of True Peace; Light; Love and Justice on Planet Earth.
YODA - JEDI Master - (Yo/Da) Your Daily (Je/Di) Jesus Disciple Master/Teacher.  A day-go-by system (daily messages) of Instruction and Loving Encouragement from The Master (Matt. 23:10), to Strengthen and Guide the child-spirit of every JEDI student into The Strait Way of God's Salvation.
 The JAH Website/Encyclopaedia of Truth - An expanse of Articles; E-books; Truth Literature and Multi-Media, Revealing the Long-Awaited Truth of All Things on Planet Earth.  Learn to see things from a Certain* Point of View and anoint your Spiritual eyes with JAH's eye-salve, so you can then see clearly who is friend and who is foe in this world full of trickery and deceit. 

*Certain = without doubt.

The King of kings' Bible - Which is the True Bible and includes many Books and parts of Books that were previously wrongfully removed or purposely mis-translated by various church organizations and vested interests, in order to hide the Truth of God, for their own selfish interests and material gain.  The King of kings' Bible also includes and is fully cross-referenced to the True Koran, which is the third part of God's Book and is in perfect harmony with the rest, as it all came from The One God, that we can and should all unite to, in peace and harmony as the One Family of God on Earth.
JAH's Radio Interviews - A trilogy of live-recorded radio interviews, given by JAH, explaining what and why his Mission of Recovering and Revealing The Ark of The Covenant to the world is all about; the powers that are working against his recovering of The Ark and how you can get involved and help JAH and be found on The Right Hand, when all is Revealed and True Judgement comes to Planet Earth.

Send US $50 (outside of Europe) for your personal
pocket-sized Survival-Plan on CD
(inside Europe €50 [Euros]).

Please specify whether for PC, or Mac.

This is a one-time payment with no hidden extras.


Due to having to avoid the "Mark of the Beast" we now
only accept cash.

Please send cash payment to:-

JAH Publications,
P. O. Box 2129,
Canvey Island,
SS8 9UF,


The Armageddon Survival-Plan - "The Way home or face The Fire" - is also available separately, in print, as a Book.

Special Offer - Get "The Armageddon Survival Kit" on CD and "The Way home or face The Fire" in print, for the special discounted price of US $60 (outside of Europe), or €60 (inside Europe); by sending to the above postal address.

Download the free Armageddon Survival-Kit demo distribution
diskette and help us tell the world...


The Armageddon Survival-Kit demo-diskette is here packaged in a Winzip file ( - 529Kb).  You will need a file compression agent, such as Winzip for PC or Stuffit Expander for Macintosh, to be able to extract the contents of the demo into a folder on Your computer, to then be able to transfer it onto diskette.

Please feel free to make copies of this demo-diskette, to give to friends and family, and help them to find The Way of Life and True Freedom.

Please click here, or on the Preview Disk logo above, to download.

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