The TRUTH about Darwin and Evolution.
Everyone who chooses not to believe God and The Bible, seems to like to quote "Darwin's Theory of Evolution", that all life came out of the sea, as their so-called proof that God doesn't exist, without realising where Darwin got his theory from. Darwin was NOT so clever, he just knew how to read and he himself must have believed God and The Bible, because that is exactly where he got his information from.
God states on the very FIRST page of the Bible that all life EXCEPT MAN - the Adamic race - came out of the sea (Evolution or Creation) - Genesis chapter 1 verse 20. Afterwards God CREATED (Adam) man, SEPARATELY, on the sixth day.
Genesis 1:20 And God said, Let the WATERS bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl [that] may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
Before his death, Darwin acknowledged that there was a "missing-link" and he admitted that he was wrong about the Adamic Race having evolved from apes.
If you want to know the REASON for The Creation and the REASON for human-life on Earth, read:- "The Way home or face The Fire". JAH.