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The First Principle of God's
Government - Theocracy:-


Jesus said, "I am The Way, the Truth and the Life" and "no man comes to the Father except by me." How does that relate to the Song of Moses (the Mosaic Law in The Covenant)? The Covenant is called "The Way" in The Torah (Deuteronomy chapter 9 verses 12, 16 and 11:28 and 13:5 and 31:29) and Jesus was saying that he was a living demonstration of it (The Way) in action, demonstrating how YOU have to be if YOU want to survive and go home to Father. Again we have perfect harmony between the two "Songs" - The Song of Moses and the Song of The Lamb.

Mankind over 6,000 years has never yet been clever enough; because he is "blinded" by his own arrogance and selfishness; to see the Wisdom of The Covenant and God's Laws and that they are the ONLY way to peace and harmony.

Arrogance and ignorance are the two sides of Satan's coin.

Humility and Wisdom are the two sides of God's coin.

In the day that man, in his Satanically inspired (and copied) arrogance, thought himself to be wise (like Satan did), he became a fool; fooled and deceived by his own ignorance of his own arrogance: ignorance that he tries to conceal with his arrogance, even from himself (just like Satan does).

The Laws and Principles of Government, given by the Ruler of The Universe, via Moses, are what have maintained peace in the Universe for Eternity. If you want to be pardoned and released from this lunatic-asylum prison-planet, and from your human organic-computer prison-cell (body) and go home, back out into the Universe, back to where you came from and live forever, with your real family and friends, then you have to learn those Laws and Principles here and PROVE that you can keep and live by them, here under all and extreme conditions and temptations, before you can be trusted and released. The Messiah said in Revelation chapter 2 verses 26, 28, "To him that overcomes and keeps MY works unto The End, ........ will I give the Morning Star."

I will give you an easy illustration for you to be able to better understand this Universal Principle:-

If you have a hundred people of whom you are one and each person puts themself first and is out-for-themself and what they can get, then all you will ever have is competition, strife, violence and war. The history of this planet is proof of that fact.

The strong will oppress the weak. The rich will oppress the poor. The clever will oppress the not so clever and there will be continual struggle for survival, leading to crime, violence, war and eventually total annihilation - Armageddon. How can there possibly NOT be?

On the other hand; as Jesus demonstrated when he gave his life voluntarily for the benefit of everyone else; if you take exactly the same hundred people of whom you are one and everybody, including you, now puts everyone else first, before their "Self", then each individual, including you, wins ninety-nine times, because each individual has ninety-nine other people putting them first.

However, it will not work unless every single person does it, because one bad apple RUINS the whole barrel.

To explain even more clearly still, in terms that everyone should be able to understand, if they want to understand, one human family can amass an absolute fortune, under selfish, fraudulent, illegal laws; in the space of two hundred Earth years; and, in so doing, make millions of other people POOR and miserable.

Imagine what would happen IF they were NOT human and lived for ever (zillions of years). How many poor people, and wars, and how much havoc; strife and misery could they then create?

That is why you were sent here and are still here on this prison-planet because you are NOT really human and have never RE-learned those "Universal Principles" as you were COMMANDED to "on pain of death" and if you were released YOU would cause the very havoc that I have just told you about.

God explained to you, via Moses, that those of you who will not LIVE by those Principles and The Law will DIE by The Law, and, contrary (the opposite) to what you have been told by priests of all denominations, He always says what He means and HE MEANS EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS.

Perhaps now you can see why God abolished the and all priesthoods except for The High-Priest, for all time, after the order of Melchizedek. - JAH


Copyright © 1997 - JAH - all rights reserved.


Please access:- "The New Song" for the full New Song and complete explanation.

In the very little time that you have left to learn the New Song, before Execution-Day arrives; for those who are still committing treason; you had, if YOU want to survive, better REPENT and start learning to sing The New Song, "for the Kingdom of God IS AT HAND." - on The Rock (Gibraltar) - FIRST (Isaiah 42).

You will be unable to do that without reading, digesting and Living "The Way home or face The Fire" by this author - JAH.


The New Song is available as a printed booklet by sending £5 Sterling (U.K.) or $10 U.S. (rest of the world), to the following address:-


JAH, JAH Publications, P. O. Box 2129, Canvey Island, SS8 9UF, England, U.K.





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