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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.


- God's Curse



Dear Muslims,

God continues to punish those who disobey Him, as He has promised to do in His Holy Koran.

In the Koran God has told those people who are "True in Faith" that they must, if they can afford to, make a "Pilgrimage" to
Abraham's Station (Mt. Moriah) in the City of Peace/Salem - Jeru-Salem (Sura 2:124-126), where Abraham offered to sacrifice his miracle son, Isaac, to God (Genesis 22 v 1-2).

God has told you to visit this "
Holiest of Holy" places so that His people would "lay to heart" what Abraham did and follow his example (Sura 2:124 God made Abraham an example/imam to all of his children).

Abraham proved, at Mt. Moriah, that he loved God more than
EVERYTHING on Earth and that he believed ONLY God and thereby became the "Friend of God".

You too have to go there, so that
YOU can remember what Abraham did and be willing to do the same (Abraham is the example to his children - Sura 2:124-126), and believe and serve ONLY God. This was repeated by God to Moses in the Ten COMMANDMENTS and is the FIRST and most important of all the COMMANDMENTS - that you LOVE God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul; ALL your mind and Him ONLY shall you serve. That means keeping only His Laws and His Covenant (Sura 16:91).

God also told those who are "True in Faith" to turn their face to Abraham's Station (Mt. Moriah) when they pray.

Therefore, those people who pray facing Mecca and go there on Pilgrimage are
NOT "True in Faith" (Muslims) because they are dis-obeying God and His Koran and are, instead, obeying the Meccans and their Hadith.

The Meccans wrote the Hadi
th to "market" Mecca as the new religious centre of "Islam" - their new "religion", so that they could continue to make lots of money from pilgrims, as they had already been doing for hundreds of years before Mohammed Mustafa came along. This was exactly what the Vatican did to christianity. Things NEVER change.

Islam means doing the Will of God and His Will is that you visit Mt. Moriah, in Jerusalem. So, how can Mecca be the centre of doing God's Will - Islam? It can
NOT. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! God does not change His Mind and His promises to mankind.

Last year alone 2,000,000 pilgrims spent billions in Mecca, 1400 of them were
KILLED because they were NOT "True in Faith" (Muslims) and were NOT doing God's Will (Islam) as He has told them in His Koran (Sura 2:144) and in His Bible (Genesis 22 v 2-3, 14; 2 Chronicles 3 v 1 & 6 v 20-21; 1 Kings 6 v 1-2, 11-14), where He has said repeatedly that everyone must face Mt. Moriah the "Holy of Holies", where Abraham offered to sacrifice Isaac not Ishmael (Torah-Genesis 22).

"Koran - Sura 32:23. We did indeed aforetime give the Book (The Torah:- Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers and Deuteronomy) to Moses: be then
NOT IN DOUBT of its (The Torah) reaching (THEE - the readers of this Koran - moslems): and We made it a Guide to the Children of Israel."

This year, so far, there have been 2,000,000 pilgrims and at least 1000 people have been killed because they are in the
WRONG place.

How many thousands must be killed before "the blind" can
SEE that God is punishing them for obeying the Meccan Hadith, instead of God's Koran. God is telling you NOT to go to Mecca but to go where He told you to go - Mt. Moriah in the City of Peace/SALEM - JeruSALEM - Sura 2:124-126.

how blind can people be?

IF these people had been doing God's Will (Islam) they would not have been killed because they would have been in Jerusalem not in Mecca.

Abraham's Station is on Mt. Moriah in Jeru
SALEM, it is NOT in Mecca, because God says so.

When will you learn to obey
ONLY God, as Abraham your example did - faithful Abraham.

If you don't, you will
ALL die, soon, as God has told you repeatedly in His Koran and it is My duty to remind you before it is TOO late. The choice is YOURS.

JAH - Muad'dib - AMEN





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