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The TRUTH about Rabbis;
Priests and Imams


abolished the Jewish Rabbis and priests two thousand years ago, but they have arrogantly and stubbornly refused to obey Him and cease their treason against God, for two thousand years, whilst, just like the pope etc. who do exactly the same, falsely claiming to work for Him, when He says they don't. The following is Biblical PROOF of this FACT:-

EZEKIEL 34 (Precis) 6th century B.C.

the Word of the Lord came unto me saying, Son of man, prophesy AGAINST the "shepherds of Israel", prophesy , and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God unto the Levites (Jewish priests - Rabbis):
Woe be to the Levites of Israel that do feed themselves! Should not the Levites feed the flocks?
Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed (the prophets, whom God has fed
PERSONALLY with His TRUTH): but ye feed NOT the flock.
The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken (Isaiah 61 v 1 & Luke 4 v 18), neither have ye sought that which was lost (the 10 "Lost" Tribes of Israel): but with force and with
CRUELTY have ye ruled them.
ye Levites, hear the Word of the Lord: (John 1 v 14).
As I Live, saith the Lord God, surely because My flock became a prey, and My flock became
MEAT to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did My Levites search for My flock, but the LEVITES fed THEMSELVES and fed NOT My flock:
THEREFORE O ye LEVITES, hear the Word of the Lord;
Thus saith the Lord God;
Behold I am AGAINST the LEVITES; and I will require My flock at their hand, and cause THEM (the Levites) to CEASE from feeding the flock; neither shall the LEVITES feed themselves any more; for I will deliver My flock from their MOUTH, that they (MY flock) may not be MEAT for them (the LEVITES).
For thus saith the Lord God; Behold
I even I will both search My sheep and seek them out (John 10 v 11).
As a
SHEPHERD seeketh out His flock in the day that He is among His sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out My sheep.
I will seek out that which is "Lost" (the 10 lost tribes - the "House of Israel") and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken (Isaiah 61 v 1 & Luke 4 v 18 and The COVENANT) and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will DESTROY the fat (poison) and the strong: I will feed them with JUDGEMENT.
I will set up ONE Shepherd over them (the flocks - plural - the 2 kingdoms - House of Israel and House of Judah) and he shall feed them, even My "well-beloved"* servant, he shall feed them and he (ONLY) shall be their Shepherd (singular).
I the Lord will be their God, and My "well-beloved"* (Matthew 3 v 17)(Son) servant a Prince (Son of the King - Michael - the Arch-angel - Daniel 10 v 21 & Revelation 12 v 7) among them; I the "I AM" LORD have spoken it.
I will make with them a "Covenant of Peace" (the Prince of Peace - and the New Covenant / Testament reconfirming the Moral Law of the Old Covenant and adding a spiritual dimension to it).
And the tree of the field (Olive-Israel
NOT Judah) shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land (England), and shall KNOW that I am the Lord, when I have broken the bands of their yoke (oppression) and delivered them out of the hand of those (the LEVITES) that served THEMSELVES of them (the flocks).
Thus shall they know that
I the Lord their God am with them (EMMANUEL - Matthew 1 v 21-23), and that they even the "House of Israel" (the 10 "Lost Tribes") are My people (Brit-ish - Christian) saith the Lord God. (All 10 of the so-called "Lost" tribes accepted Christ as their Lord and are called Christian Nations - at least by name if not by nature).
And ye My flock, the flock of My pasture, are
MEN and I am YOUR God, saith the Lord God.

This prophecy through Ezekiel was fulfilled and the rabbis abolished, except for Jesus the Rabboni, two thousand years ago, by Jesus and he confirmed it in Matthew 23 when he told
everyone, including the 12 Disciples, that they must not be a priest because Christ from then on is the only priest recognised by God.

Matthew 23:8 But be
NOT ye called rabbi; priest; imam (etc.): for ONE is your Teacher, [even] Christ; and all ye are brethren.

Are you listening rabbis;
pope; priests and imams?

The previous translators of Ezekiel who have all been priests, jewish and/or christian, in direct contravention of this prophecy from God, have purposely not translated the word David from Hebrew into English in a desperate attempt to hide the Truth and keep their jobs, thereby continuing to commit treason, for their master Satan, against God, whilst claiming, falsely, to serve Him.

* The word David means "well-beloved" but all the previous translators have translated the whole sentence from Hebrew into English without translating the word David, trying to create the false-impression that God was referring to king David, instead of to His "Well-Beloved" Son, Christ. This non-translation of the word David makes the prophecy into nonsense, because David had already been dead for 500 years before this prophecy was given to Ezekiel. That is exactly why the Jewish and christian priest translators conspired together not to translate this prophecy correctly and deceive the world, so they could all, of both religions, ignore what God had commanded them not to do and so keep their cushy jobs.

To back up this deception the Jews have said Jesus could not be the ONE Rabboni, or
ONE Shepherd, referred to by God in Ezekiel 34 because he was not a Levite and they quote Jeremiah 33:18 for their authority, but again this is NOT the Truth. In both the Bible and the Koran we are informed by God that the Virgin Mary was from both the Line of David and also the Line of Amram the father of Moses, a Levite. She was a cousin of Elisabeth, who was the Levite wife of Zacharias (Luke 1:5) the priest and the mother of John the Baptist.


JEREMIAH 33 v 18

Neither shall the priests the LEVITES (shepherds of Israel) want (lack) A man (NOT lots of men) before Me to offer burnt* offerings (Matthew 3 v 11 & 12), and to do sacrifice continually (Luke 9 v 23 - "And he said to them ALL, if any man will come after Me (follow the Shepherd), let him deny himSELF (SELF-sacrifice), and take up his cross (of SELF-sacrifice) DAILY (continually) and follow Me (be unSELFish and feed the flocks)." Luke 9 v 24 "whoever will lose his "SELF"-life (daily) for My sake (continually), the same shall save it (his REAL Life - that of his spirit-Being or soul)."

* Matthew 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and [with] fire:
3:12 Whose fan [is] in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will
burn up the chaff with unquenchable Fire.

They refuse to recognise that the Messiah came as Jesus the Nazarite on the first-coming. But Christ had already pre-warned them, via the prophet Zechariah, that they would do this and SUFFER for it:-


"And they (Jerusalem) shall look upon ME whom they pierced (whilst inside of the son of Mary body) and they (the Jews) shall MOURN for HIM (Jesus) as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn."
In that Day shall there
be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddon (as they too are EXECUTED for treason).

The Valley of Megiddon is below the mountains of Megiddo - Har-Megiddo or in English - Armageddon -

TWO 2 comings NOT one. ME and HIM. The Lord God says so.

SPIRIT (God is SPIRIT not flesh) TWO bodies (ME and HIM).

YOU need MORE proof? There is PLENTY more - don't worry.

If you
don't want to be a victim forget the teachings of arrogant SELF-opinionated treacherous evil men who all work for Satan (the Opposer), doing the opposite of what God has commanded, whilst claiming to work for Him, and listen to God. Especially do NOT listen to LEVITES and their so-called christian and moslem counterparts.

FIRST and MOST important COMMANDMENT states "Thou shalt have NO other Gods before ME and Me ONLY shalt thou serve."

When will people
EVER learn to DO as they are told to DO?

Christ is waiting to teach
YOU the TRUTH. Are YOU ready to hear it and DO it? To DO it YOU must humble your SELF; DENY your SELF, become (make your spiritual self) as little children (who know NOTHING) and "see" the Kingdom of God and its King on Earth, and LEARN how to enter the Kingdom.

If YOU are ready to hear the TRUTH stop disagreeing with THE Teacher and LISTEN instead of talking and study this site.

first lesson is to read, reread and DIGEST thoroughly "The Way home or face The Fire".





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