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Spanish Propaganda - another Commonly-held Misconception

Columbus did NOT discover America

Phoenician-Israelites (not Jewish) discovered America
at least 2,000 years before Columbus was born.



Most of you will have been taught in school, the little rhyme:

"In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue."

He did, but he did
NOT discover America, as Spaniards claim. That claim is one of Spain's propaganda lies that has become a commonly-held misconception by the entire world, even though it is completely untrue and unfounded, JUST LIKE THEIR FALSE CLAIM TO GIBRALTAR. The Spanish nation likes to believe these lies and wants the world to believe them too, in order to boost its own international standing. However, their wanting to believe their own ego-boosting lies can not, and does not in any way alter the TRUTH as supported by the true historical facts.

The same is true of the Zionist Propaganda that claims that they are Israel, and is written in our history-books and even in the English Dictionary, when God Himself (YHWH - Jehovah - "I AM") tells us
QUITE CLEARLY in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible, which was written in Hebrew, the language they speak, that they are NOT Israel. The world is absolutely full of false historical propaganda and no-one seems the least bit interested in TRUTH. Mankind seems to be interested only in "Self"-delusion; money; power and environmental and therefore self-destruction, rather than the destruction of its own "Self"-ish human nature.

Just try to imagine what our history-books would have said about Adolf Hitler (The Führer - "The Deliverer/Saviour" and his 1,000 year reign - The Third Reich) and the
lies we would have ALL learned in school about him and his having "saved" the world, if the Nazis had won World War 2 and he had had his own historians write our history-books. Then look at what Saddam tells the Iraqi people, today.

Fortunately for
us, Prophecy and History in the Holy Scriptures have always told us the TRUTH and only by studying them can the lies be destroyed and that is why I have written all of these Booklets and Books and constructed this website to explain the Prophecies and to give you The Ruler of The Universe's Truth, which is the ONLY True Reality.

The 500th Anniversary of Columbus's voyage, widely trumpeted and celebrated in 1992 was certainly exploited to emphasise the Spanish as opposed to the Anglo-Saxon (Engel of I/saac's son) Heritage in America. However it is becoming an
increasingly well-known and documented FACT, that not only were there Northern Europeans (Vikings like Bjarni Herjulfon, Eric the Red and his son Leif Ericsson) on the American continent long before the voyage of Columbus, but also, that Phoenicians/Israelites (but not Jews) sailed from the Middle-East along the Mediterranean to Gibraltar which was inhabited by Phoenician/Israelites from the "lost" tribe of GAD (please study my "Gibraltar - British or Spanish?" Booklet for details), then through the Straits and across the Atlantic AT LEAST SIX CENTURIES before the "Virgin" birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

At Los Lunas, near Albuquerque, New Mexico there is a rock with
The Ten Commandments carved in the ancient script.

By all means let us pay
fair tribute to the achievements of Columbus, but let it not be turned into a vehicle for false Spanish Propaganda. Seek and find the TRUTH and the FACTS, which show, repeatedly, that very many historians throughout the history of the world were paid to write history-books following the party line, rather than the Truth. That is a fact and it is confirmed by The Ruler of The Universe's Prophetic statements in Scripture. Prophetical and Historical FACTS clearly show that God's Covenant People were in the New Promised Land as well as in Gibraltar from the very earliest times, in fulfillment of His Word; long before there was a country called Spain.

I do
not want to be WRONGLY accused of being anti-Spanish (or anti-Jewish) or biased in any way, because I love Spain; the Spanish people and all mankind, but that love cannot blind me to The Truth, so I will refer you to other sources for more proof of these facts because there are many books on this subject, if you doubt my impartiality or refuse to take my word for it. Just for starters, there are two books written by a professor from a very prestigious "Ivy League" American University and they are "Saga America" and "America B.C." by Professor Barry Fell of Harvard University. More recent research by this same Harvard Professor points to Punic or Phoenician inscriptions found in New England, Ohio and West Virginia and also the discovery of coins and trade goods, in what is now the United States of America, that came from the Phoenician city of Carthage in North Africa.

The Phoenicians were the only sea-farers to pass through the straits, which they
controlled and guarded, fiercely fighting to prevent competition. They also told people that if they went through the straits they would fall off the end of the world.

lie that the world is flat and people would fall off the end of the world was perpetuated by the popes for the very same reason, until Columbus; almost certainly having acquired a map, and/or having read the Bible (which was prohibited by the popes) and having visited and made America's existence public; the popes were then forced to say that he had discovered America and they have perpetuated this lie, in order to save face, and keep their secrets hidden, in the Vatican's vaults, ever since.

The Ruler of The Universe
Himself tells us, in the Bible, that the world is circular (by His Prophet Isaiah - 40:22 - 712 B.C.); even so, the "infallible" popes have been lying to the world for centuries. They prohibited people from owning and even from reading the Bible and ex-communicated people; denounced and branded them as heretics; for reading and telling people God's Truth; in this particular case, that the world is round*, in order to protect their commercial-interests (serving mammon - Matt. 6:24) in the Americas; the Far-east (Shogun - the Jesuit "Black ships") and globally.

* For which the "infallible" popes have only recently apologized.





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