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Ask and it Shall Be Given You;

Seek and You Shall Find.

In reply to Gerry Lydon's 'Spiritualised?' article in the January '99 issue of "The Alternative Source" (the student magazine of Maynooth College, Dublin), I would like to pass on the answers that The Bringer of Truth and Light (Christ) gave, two thousand years ago, to some of the extremely good questions Gerry has asked about spirituality.

Firstly, if you believe that Good should conquer Evil you are not an atheist in the true definition of the word. You don't have to go to church at all to be religious, in fact, the true definition of the word religion is 'bonded obligation' and that obligation is to God (The Ruler of The Universe) and His Commandments, Laws, Statutes, Judgments, Economic Policy etc. contained in The Torah, which is the name given to the five books of Moses. The original scrolls of which, are contained in The Ark of The Covenant, which is buried at The Hill of Tara in Co. Meath* and copies can be found in The Old Testament of any Bible.

As none of today's churches follow, or teach people to keep The Torah, they are therefore, through their actions, not fulfilling their 'bonded obligation' to God and therefore can not possibly be religious or working for Him as they wrongfully claim to be (judge a tree by the fruit that it bears, Matt 12:33). In almost every book of The Bible, we are told that we MUST obey The Laws contained in The Torah, so why do the churches tell us that we don't have to do so? Christ Himself tells us to keep The Commandments and The Law (Matt. 5:17-19) and so do His disciples in their letters (1 John 2:3-4). So how can the churches claim to be working for God or Christ when they are not doing or teaching what God and Christ taught? How long would you employ somebody who doesn't do what you tell them? Certainly not for two thousand years!

Your observation about some church-goers who sit up the front of the church and yet cause harm and show little respect for people is also perfectly true, Christ himself even warns us, in The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, verse 5, not to be like the hypocrites are, who pray in the churches and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. These people you refer to are probably the same ones who try to tell us that it is by the Grace of Jesus Christ that we are saved (Eph. 2:7-9), trying to imply that we only have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and, hallelujah! we are saved, without actually doing any of the things that Christ taught. This is a total mis-interpretation of what Paul was saying in that letter. Read properly, it says that it is by the Grace of God, not of any good works of man, that Jesus Christ came and forgave us our sins, up to that point in time, and demonstrated 'The Way' we have to be, so we can all live together in peace and harmony on Earth, as one people under God's Laws, bringing His Kingdom to Earth.

This confirms your idea that good is, and comes from God; because only a good person would send His oldest son to teach people who have been ignoring Him and everything He's been telling them for centuries, knowing full-well that those people, whom He is trying to help, would try to murder His son for telling the Truth (the Crucifixion). Fortunately, they only managed to kill the human body called Jesus, that the Spirit-Being called Christ was using and not Christ himself.

This brings us to the next point about good and bad. As you have said, there would be no point in having only good without bad in this world or there would be no point in creating it at all. God does indeed, as you say, organise our lives for us, but we have the final say ourselves whether we want to do things His Way (the good way) or our own or somebody elses way (the bad way), which fulfills our God given right to free-will.

All-day every-day, each of us walks around with two voices in our head, the G(o)od voice and the D/evil one. The good voice is our own personal telepathic hotline to God, Who is the source of all goodness. This is described in The Bible as the Holy Ghost or the Comforter (Luke 12:12, John 16:7-13) that leads us in the right direction in life and warns us of any dangers we might encounter along 'The Way'. The other voice, the evil one; is also a telepathic hotline, but this one comes from the source of all evil in the world, who is known as the Devil, meaning Liar, and Satan meaning Opposer in Hebrew. This voice tells us not to listen to God's (the good voice's) advice and that God and Satan don't exist and we should do things our own way (his really), which is of course nothing but lies, as he is the inventor of them (John 8:44).

So all of us on Earth, regardless of whether we believe in God, go to church or neither, have these two voices in our heads and under our God-given right to free-will, we can choose whether we want to listen to the G(o)od voice or the D/evil one. This is set up as a cosmic testing-system to see whether we want to listen to God and learn how to be good all of the time, to earn our pardon and be released from this prison-planet (lunatic-asylum), back into the Universe (heaven), where Christ quite clearly states that He came from in John 3:13 and 8:23. Or whether we want to continue listening to our D/evil voice right up to the Last Day and consequently be executed along with the Devil, who got us all sent to this prison-planet in the first place (Rev. 12:3,4 & 6-9).

I hope that I have answered some of your questions about Spirituality, Gerry Lydon, and I also hope that this article has made you and other 'seekers' for The Truth want to ask many more questions. There is a book available which explains all of this and more in much more detail called 'The Way home or face The Fire', it is not a religious book, in the modern sense of the word, it is The Truth. Available for £10 Sterling (U.K.) or $20 U.S. (rest of the world), incl. p. & p., from:-

JAH, JAH Publications, P. O. Box 2129, Canvey Island, SS8 9UF, England, U.K.

* A Sociology lecture was held at Maynooth College on the 28th of January '99, explaining exactly what The Ark of The Covenant is and why and how it came to be buried at The Hill of Tara, in Co. Meath, Ireland. To view a brief introduction of that lecture, please CLICK HERE. Matt.

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