3rd John 1:2
- Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.
-- emotional - [depression] [happiness] -- environmental - [healthyfamiliesnow.org] -- mental - [education] [confusion] -- physical - [Food] [excersize] [medical] [drugs] [Eye care] [Dental] -- spiritual - [birth] [growth] -- wealth - [personal] [business] Health DrugsUpon absorbtion both have chemical reactions and effects on the body. Herbal & Vegetation Illegal Drugs Pharmaceutical Drugs - Health Herbal & VegetationNutritional Doctors Testamonies Dental - Poisoned Toothpaste Vaccinations Makers Of Vaccine Refuse To Take H1N1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4SmFxyust0&feature=player_embedded Mercury in Injections (Flu) - http://www.momsagainstmercury.org/mercury.htm DentalMercury in dental fillings? Flouride in toothpaste - POISON Control warning on the tube! |