Mark of the Beast
(Rev. 13:16-18 • 14:9,11 • 15:2 • 16:2 • 19:20 • 20:4)
How is the Mark of the Beast considered identified?:
[Apostasy] [bar codes] [the Pope]
The mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation is written would appear on the
forehead and the right hand. Consider:
• The forehead is where we think, make decisions
• The right hand is representative of what we do
In this light, the mark of the beast could be identified even
since the the book of Revelation was written.
Bar Codes: - Why do some consider bar codes as the mark of the beast?
Every bar code has lines and spaces representing numbers in them.
Every bar code used to buy and sell items have at least three sixes in them.
It is said that the space in between the thin lines on the ends of it and
center, represents the number 6. Though i have seen them arranged differently
than i just mentioned, for example, spaces representing the number 6 on one
end of the bar code (three sets).
Seeing many believe we are living in the end times, and some believe that
the mark of the beast will only pertain to those living in the last days,
it stands to reason why some consider barcodes as the mark.
Though the Bible states the mark of the beast = six hundred, sixty and six.
It is unclear to me thus far, how bar code numbers are calculated in 100's, 10's
and 1's. If 1's then the bar codes numbers of 6 would add up to only 18.
If myltiplied: 6x6x6 = 216.
Remember the devil is a deceiver. He can make some things look obvious,
knowing how the mind of the flesh reacts, while people may follow easily
what the mind wants to hear, or will accept as fact, while the real truth
of the matter may be hidden from their eyes. My advise in such case is
weigh out the facts and trust in God.
The Pope: - Why do some people consider the Pope as the Beast?
The Pope has the title "Vicarius Filii Dei" Meaning the "Vicor of God (or Christ)"
The Roman Numeral total used in this title for the Pope = 666
V = 5
I = 1
C = 100
A = 0
R = 0
I = 1
V = 5
S = 0
F = 0
I = 1
L = 50
I = 1
I = 1
D = 500
E = 0
I = 1