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Prayer Examples
[Lord's Prayer] - (mat 6:9-15) - (so named for the prayer example Yeshua set)
Prayer Method: (ACTS):
Adoration - (remembering to tell God you love Him)
Confession - (confessing sins)
Thanksgiving - (Praising the LORD for His provisions)
Supplication - (humble requests in prayer [i.e. for others])
A friend revealed to me that it was not until Job started praying for his friends that his life turned around and increased to twice as much as he had before. (Job 42:10)
Lord God, I thank you for giving me life.
Without You, Oh Lord, I would be nothing.
Thank you for my life and limbs. May I appreciate the gifts and talents that I have of You, that I may use them to the best of my ability. Even in tears and the pains of this world, may I press on and use what You have given to me to uplift Your name and ways, even to bring joy to them that are in depression.
May Your presence be strong within me that I may, through Your power, Oh Lord, put off selfishness and help the needy.
Lord Jesus, thank you for
Bedtime prayer - inspired by Pastor-Dave on irc.dal.net ... say a short prayer, "today Lord I give to you, may all that I do Glorify you, and the things that I do that put you aside may your grace abound.