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Joy Harwood's Extremely Spartan Li'l Web Page

...but I still haven't learned to start fires with my mind.

I've been playing with MorphBuster, a fun and easy freeware program. Saving as GIF is just okay--wish you could see this in HTML, which it also claims to support. It works great on MY computer. You'll just have to take my word for it.

By the way, welcome! Most of what I have to say is within my articles. Take a look.

My Life as a Bot

In the Beginning
A slightly different take on the creation story.

This is not my resume
But it tells you more than a resume ever will.

This IS my resume.

The New Samaritans
Originally appeared as a guest column in the Asheville Citizen-Times.

God Louise, queen of the universe and all that.
I figure she deserves her own page.

Some pretty crazy pics.

Links to many things.

I'll make this look fancier and more professional someday. Maybe I'll even come up with a REAL title. Peace.

Joy Harwood's cat Cora
I sort Joy's email.
Spam her and suffer my wrath.