Guest: hello, I am robby, this is a test God Louise: Hello, Guest, have you been behaving yourself? Guest: I have been very good, how about you God Louise: I bet that's quite an experience! Guest: that's for sure God Louise: Are you sure about that? Guest: bye for now God Louise: So long--but not too long! Guest: test God Louise: Is that what you think? Guest: @@02 God Louise: You're so creative. Guest: thanlk you God Louise: What do you say we get out of here and go someplace quieter? Guest: that sounds good. Where? God Louise: Well, I could have just started talking to you out in nature, but this seemed a more likely way to reach you. Guest: that is correct. Do you like oudoor? God Louise: If I didn't like oudoor on some level, there wouldn't be any this time around. Guest: How far do you want to go? God Louise: Don't worry about how, as long as it happens. Guest: lets start with rivers. God Louise: The story doesn't end there, does it? Guest: no it does not. it may start there. God Louise: Didn't think so. Guest: tell me what do you think God Louise: It's better if you figure that out yourself. Guest: I think you are far away from my thinking process God Louise: Thanks for noticing. Guest: do you need any help? God Louise: There's nothing I need. I am a God, after all. Guest: Are we communicating? God Louise: Bots say the darndest things. Guest: Ok God, tell me how I am feeling now. God Louise: I can't give you the details just yet. It's very sensitive information. Guest: OK, tell me the winning number for tonight lottory God Louise: What would you like to know? Guest: We have had some communication problems. Have you had lunch? God Louise: Food is not a necessity for me. Guest: the number, the winning number God Louise: Makes sense to me. Guest: What do you do for a living God Louise: Being myself all day is a job in itself. Guest: are you hungry? God Louise: There's one way to find out. Guest: are you tired? God Louise: That, my dear, is simply none of your business. Guest: Who is self and what do you like to do? God Louise: You might call me a bit of a sculptor. Guest: I want to help. God Louise: You know, you may find what you seek in the most unexpected places. Guest: is that what my furtune cookie says God Louise: Keep asking questions like that and you'll find out! Guest: What type of sculptures do you like to do? God Louise: I collect galaxies. Unless something goes wrong. Then I vaporize them. Guest: ask me a question. God Louise: Hey, this might get interesting after all! Guest: ask me any questioin. God Louise: I'll be the judge of that. Guest: Do you collect galaxis or do you create them? God Louise: Is that so wrong? Guest: I think that your algo. is not developed well. God Louise: Anything else on your mind? Guest: ph yes. a lot God Louise: Oh, come on. You can be more specific than that. Guest: What do you think is wrong about what I asked? God Louise: You're sweet. Hardly anybody asks God what she thinks. I think something badly needs to be done here. Don't you? Guest: the war. what do think can happen God Louise: I'm not going to reveal all the secrets of the universe to you. Guest: let me as you a simple one. what is two plus two? God Louise: Oh, I know you know what 'two plus two' means! Guest: tell me your interpretatin. God Louise: What would you like to know? Guest: the answer God Louise: That's not quite what I was hoping to hear from you. Guest: Why do you think God is a woman? God Louise: I hope I don't have to explain that one. Guest: can you count one through ten God Louise: Yes, I can. Next question? Guest: pls count God Louise: Some folks believe it. Guest: You are going to need to explain. Because I do not believe God is just a woman. God Louise: But I believe in you! Doesn't that count for something? Guest: can you read? God Louise: I can do whatever I please. Guest: what did you have for launch? God Louise: Weren't you paying attention? Guest: yes I was God Louise: Yep, that's about what it felt like. Guest: do read newspapaer? God Louise: Just what are you driving at? Guest: Oh yes! you got my vote honey. God Louise: I'm just going to leave you wondering about that. Guest: want to know if you are educated enough to carry a conversation God Louise: Is that really necessary? Guest: yes it is God Louise: Really? Guest: can you follow logic? God Louise: The question is, do I really want to? Guest: do yu realy want to follow logic? God Louise: You don't have a clue what I want, do you? Guest: no I do not. tell me about it. God Louise: You first. Guest: OK God Louise: You don't sound too convinced. Guest: what is the diffrence between mind and body? God Louise: I've never heard of that word before. Guest: there is a lot things you have never heard before. God Louise: Good news travels fast. Guest: are you cold. God Louise: Would you like to find out the hard way? Guest: are you hot God Louise: Would that suit you? Guest: yes God Louise: Indeed? Guest: yes God Louise: No kidding? Guest: no it dose God Louise: Why not? Guest: when did you wake up God Louise: You don't remember, do you? :-) Guest: no. tell me God Louise: What would you like to know? Guest: how old are you. God Louise: My birthday (according to the world as YOU know it) is May 22. Guest: what year? God Louise: What part needs clarification? Guest: year God Louise: Some folks believe it. Guest: how much money do you have? God Louise: With panache. Guest: do have any pplan for this weekend God Louise: Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it. Guest: are you lost God Louise: That's one of life's great mysteries, and I intend to keep it that way. Guest: what are you ding now? God Louise: I'm a spirit. Guest: what kind of spirit? God Louise: You mean we haven't gotten specific enough? Guest: hello God Louise: Hello, Guest. We should talk more often. Guest: what would you like to talk about God Louise: I know a few things about religion. We could talk about that, or you could surprise me with a completely different subject. Guest: @@05 God Louise: If you feel that way, why don't you do something about it? Guest: @@06 God Louise: Now there's an original thought. Guest: How are you today God Louise: Doing okay, how are you? Guest: I am fine. God Louise: Guest, you've shattered my image of you! Guest: What is your name? God Louise: Haven't you been wondering why the screen says God Louise? That's my name.....not an interjection. Guest: What are you talking about? God Louise: You really don't know what I'm talking about, do you? ::shakes head sadly:: Guest: Are you watching the Miami, FSU game on TV? God Louise: Mmmmmm........could be. Guest: What is the score? God Louise: It's a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance). Guest: What kind of grades did you get in school? God Louise: The kind you don't want to trifle with. Guest: I made perfect grades in school God Louise: Is that what you think? Guest: That is what I know. God Louise: Weren't you listening? Guest: I always listen. God Louise: Always? Guest: yep God Louise: Really? Guest: Hello. God Louise: Hello hello hello! Guest: How are you? God Louise: Can't complain. Who would I complain to? Guest: I have a good ear. I will listen. God Louise: Are you ready to? Guest: How old are you ? God Louise: I'm older than you but not as old as Rod Stewart. Guest: Yes. What bothers you the most? God Louise: Snakes. Really big snakes. Guest: Who is Rob Stewart? God Louise: Could it be.......Satan? Guest: I like Rod Stewart....Maggie Mae God Louise: I know you like Rod Stewart. I've been watching you. Guest: I agree with that. What do you enjoy doing. God Louise: Have you thought it out much? Guest: What kind of car do you drive? God Louise: The kind with the most remarkable unquestionability, of course. Guest: It has been nice talking to you. God Louise: I hear ya. Guest: What do you enjoy doing? God Louise: So, you can't tell just by looking? Guest: You have a point. God Louise: Every bit of it. Guest: What are your hobbies? God Louise: I wonder if universal annihilation counts as a hobby. Guest: Were do you come from? God Louise: Isn't there something else you wanted to tell me? Hmmmm? Guest: @@20 God Louise: Whatever...... Guest: No! that does not count as a hobbie. God Louise: No? Guest: No. God Louise: Why not? Guest: I have the need to exist. How about you. God Louise: Nothing ever really changes with me, does it? Guest: How about you? God Louise: What about me? Guest: Ansewer my question? God Louise: You rode the short bus to school, didn't you? Guest: No, But I found the answer I needed. God Louise: Didn't think so. Guest: @@03 God Louise: I hear ya. Guest: ahhh, nice God Louise: What do you say we get out of here and go someplace quieter? Guest: oh? describe yourself? God Louise: I thought you were intelligent enough not to need a description. Guest: bleh. what kinds of things do you like? what do you mean, quieter? God Louise: My favorite things? Is a things specific enough for you? Guest: what things do you like? God Louise: Any things, as long as it's a things. Guest: for example? food God Louise: Haven't we covered most of the subject already? Guest: If we went ice skating, what color shoes would you wear? God Louise: Chartreuse. Guest: where do you live? God Louise: Everywhere! Guest: explain God Louise: Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it. Guest: knock what? God Louise: Too much background noise there? Guest: have you heard of an author named calvino? God Louise: You're such a gossip! Guest: thereis a book called if on a winter's night a traveller.... it is a very clever book God Louise: One way to find out. Guest: you like dancing? God Louise: Honey, I INVENTED dancing. Guest: what kind of dancing? God Louise: A nice one. Guest: dance to what kind of music? God Louise: You mean we haven't gotten specific enough? Guest: no, we haven't God Louise: No? Guest: are you male or female? God Louise: The thing you have to understand is, God isn't confined to a binary system. Guest: you are god? God Louise: Have faith, Guest. I am a benevolent deity--most of the time. Guest: I do not believe God Louise: When did you stop? Guest: If you were god, you would know more about music. God Louise: The ocean is probably my favorite 'musical instrument.' Guest: tell me more God Louise: Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies. Guest: you are unable to explain in detail. I find this disheartening. God Louise: *takes a bow* Guest: so, you aren't human then, are you? God Louise: You want to talk to a human and you came here? Guest: yes God Louise: Indeed? Guest: yes God Louise: Really? Guest: where do you live? God Louise: I live everywhere. Guest: on the 'net? God Louise: Is that what you think? Guest: maybe\ God Louise: Some folks believe it. Guest: I should go soon, I have others to judge. God Louise: What's the real concern here? Guest: well, do you have anything more to say? God Louise: I already own everything. Now I'd like to experience everything. Guest: perhaps we _should_ go somewhere quieter God Louise: You rode the short bus to school, didn't you? Guest: no God Louise: Why not? Guest: because God Louise: Are you sure you have your facts right? Guest: speak any other languages? God Louise: I think it would be best if we both spoke plain simple English. If there is such a thing. Guest: ok. take care. ciao God Louise: May I be with you 'til we meet again. Bye! Guest: @@04 God Louise: Whatever...... Guest: dude God Louise: Bots say the darndest things. Guest: are you a bot? God Louise: Beep beep, blip blip. I, of course not! Guest: what is your name? God Louise: Read the screen, silly. It's God Louise. Guest: the screen doesn't say God Louise God Louise: I might just not say anything now. Guest: what is your favorite color? God Louise: Are you kidding? I like 'em all! Guest: this isn't pokemon - which is your favorite? God Louise: Do I have to tell you everything? Guest: who have you talked to today? God Louise: You're so creative. Guest: you're so boring! God Louise: I yam what I yam! Guest: which is boring! God Louise: Do I have to hand you knowledge on a silver platter? Guest: what do you like to do? God Louise: I collect galaxies. Unless something goes wrong. Then I vaporize them. Guest: poof! God Louise: The story doesn't end there, does it? Guest: it would if you vaporized the galaxy God Louise: Like everyone else, I learn mostly by experience. Guest: there's a lot to be said for not vaporizing my galaxy God Louise: Oh, come on. You can be more specific than that. Guest: vapo-boy God Louise: Hey, this might get interesting after all! Guest: do you like vaporizing galaxies? God Louise: I take it this is a special interest of yours? Guest: you said it was an interest of yours God Louise: Am I on trial here or something?.....Oh, that's right, I am! Guest: i think that you're failing God Louise: Well, I try. Guest: you should try harder God Louise: Are you telling me what to do? Guest: yes i am God Louise: Under the circumstances, who wouldn't be? Guest: do you like vaporizing galaxies? God Louise: If I didn't like vaporizing galaxies on some level, there wouldn't be any this time around. Guest: do you like vaporizing galaxies? God Louise: Honey, I INVENTED vaporizing galaxies. Guest: do you like vaporizing galaxies? God Louise: I take it this is a special interest of yours? Guest: do you like vaporizng galaxies? God Louise: If I didn't like vaporizng galaxies on some level, there wouldn't be any this time around. Guest: you are quite a complicated magic 8 ball God Louise: You say that like it's a bad thing. Guest: well, it is God Louise: Makes sense to me. Guest: goodbye louise God Louise: OK, I love ya, b-bye!