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Fun with Image Manipulation

or "Missed the Photoshop Contest Again!"

I've been having evil fun playing with Paint and am just now learning The GIMP. A very nice TotalFarker gave me a month's TF subscription, and I really got into the Photoshop contests on Fark. Now that he got me hooked, I have to pay for my own addiction. Anyway, here's a sample of my silliness.

I was really scared of that sound when I was little.

Boy, these bags are hard to get open....

Theme of contest: Clippy saves the world.

This used to be a crumbling seawall in La Jolla, CA. It's now my wallpaper.

Be healthy like Lou Gehrig.

I just made this because I felt like it. I'm tired of hearing about her. (If you don't know who this is, congratulate yourself on having a life offline.)

Cheers until next time!