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April 2002

APRIL 2002

04.30.02, 5:51 pm
Well, I'm officially broke again. I was all stoked cause I've had $1.14 in my regular accound and $0.07 in my savings account for about two weeks, and then I got $250 at the SYO concert and another $250 for the last symphony concert, but it's all gone now. It costs alot to fly to Toronto if you have to be there by a certain time. Stoopid NYO. Anyhoo, acccording to The Big CHump, he's designing me a 'way cooler site'. Whatever that means. Hey, this site may be ugly, but it was made with love. Looooooooove. Something CHump knows nothing about. Oh, and the new Buffy is really awsome. That crazy Anya.

04.28.02, 9:31 pm
Well, the day is over. The big concert went okay. Mr. Toews took the last section way too fast and I had to skip a run to catch up to the orchestra, but it was all good. Stoopid Mr. Toews. But whatevah. Hmmm, the only thing left is my author study. Oh well, Krysa, suck it.

04.25.02, 3:38 pm
Well, I'm heading off to practice with my accompanist soon, but I got a very strongly worded email from hellsh0k about my no Buffy situation. But, he's also offered to host my page on his and Unit 3's server so I can get away from crappy angelfire. I'm thinking about or somthing. but katyar nontheless. Oriana gets it......

04.24.02, 9:35 pm
I don't have much to say other than, GODAMMIT!!!! Our illegal cable quit working today, and I couldn't watch Buffy! I feel like calling Shaw to come down here and fix my illegal cable. But I don't think that's really a good idea. The only channels we get are CMT and sportsnet. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

04.23.02, 6:30 pm
Wow, I think I had one of the best homework assignments ever today. I had to rent a Disney movie (I chose Pocahontas) and then comment on the gender roles. So easy, and singing along with the songs is fun!!!!

04.20.02, 4:55 pm
Wow, I haven't done anything on here for five days. I'm such a slacker. So chump signed my guestbook with his new site. I think it perfectly describes him:
man. what a loser. Don't forget to check out Count Bratula
So there's a symphony concert tonight. I'm so tired. And I have nothing to write. But I'm all like, I should write something. Okay, I just thought of something.
In history we have to do this big project where we create this whole character of a Canadian soldier who fought in the battle of Vimy Ridge during WWI, and me and Gil are working together, and she has a scanner and shit, so we 'borrowed' the picture of Mr. Hedlin that's behind his desk (of him sitting in the staff room with the wierd face), and Gil's scanning it into her computer this weekend. So, part of our project of creating this guys whole life, is we have to have pictures. So in all our pictures there's going to be soldiers with mine, gil's, and mr. Hedlin's funny face on them. Jus tryin to make the work fun. And it's working........ A little too well, me thinks (remember friday Gil?)

04.15.02, 12:26 pm
So, this is one of those days where, 'so, how bout that weather' is a good conversation starter. So, how BOUT that weather?!!! It's freakin crazy. Y'know, when I was in Toronto people just didn't believe that we got tornados here in the summer, and I tried to explain just how windy it gets here, but you just can't believe it till you live here. I mean, this is the prairies. There's NOTHING to stop the wind! So today, the wind is blowing about 60 or 70 km/hr. So I am definatly not rollerblading to school today like I usually do. I was downtown picking up my contacts, and the wind was so strong I was stumbling and it was blowing me into the intersection.
See, it's blowing from the west. And Saskatoon is one big grid, with streets running east/west and north/south. So the east/west streets are acting as wind tunnels. And it doesn't help that they haven't cleaned all the loose gravel from winter off the streets. So the wind is tossing you around while at the same time blowing gravel into your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Gee, I sure do love the prairies:)

04.11.02, 11:16 am
Okay, I'm a bad person. See, I'm really bad at things that are ongoing. Like a diary, or website. When I was little I got a diary for christmas one year, and I think I wrote in it about twice. I'm just a very irresponsable person.......
So, Toronto was cool. I had a good time just bumming around, and I've decided to go to the Glenn Gould school. So, I was all proud of myself cause I made my way around town on the - even to the airport - all by myself. AND I had left my map of toronto in Saskatoon. So. Yes. But I gotta go now, so I can eat and study for my history midtern I gotta write today.

04.04.02, 11:18 am
Well, I'm off to the airport now. For 5 exciting days in Toronto. I just hope I won't totally bomb the history midterm the day after I get back. But I'm not taking anything to study with, cause hey, I'm a rebel. Or just incredibly lazy. Take your pick.
Bye bye

04.02.02, 5:57 pm
Well, I thought I'd take a gander at the NYO website, and they posted our programs we'll be playing on tour. Goddammit, we're playing Don Juan. Argh! So I'm all into using my mommy's UofS library priviledges and taking out the scores and looking over them. So I don't totally screw up when I go in July. That's my only news for today.

Cool Stuff