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01.30.03, 12:43 am Now, let me get one thing straight here people. Don't be talking smack about me on The New Demonica. I have absolutely nothing against Jet D and hellsh0k's superbowl coverage. It was the coverage in every newpaper in the country on monday. I do in fact look to the The New Demonica to keep me up to date on all important matters such as the battle between the Bucs and the Raiders. So, moving on to more important matters, like, say, Buffy and Angel. Now, here in southern Ontario we have this nifty little station owned by Chum and broadcast out of Barrie, called The New VR. And on a side note, what is with 'The New' everything?! The New TNN, The New Demonica, etc. But anyhoo, on The New VR, I get to see all new Buffy AND the new Angel that broadcasts on The WB on Wed, all on Tuesday nights. So therefor, I have witnessed the return of Angelus. And let me just say, that the best seasons of Buffy are still seasons 2 and 4. The season where Angel turns into Angelus and actually becomes and interesting character, and the season after mopey Angel leaves. Now, they've done a pretty good job on Angel even though Angel has been particularily mopey these past 4 seasons. But now, me thinks that things are going to get fun. And that's basically all I have to say. My life is really boring right now. I get up, go to school, practice, have orchestra rehearsal, go to the gym, go home and eat, and sit around all night. I put the 'fun' in Partay. ....... KATYA 01.28.03, 12:41 am You know what pisses me off? The Superbowl. I look at all the papers today, and on every front page it's Superbowl this, Superbowl that. Yes, I understand that the Bucs winning was a big upset, and yada yada yada, but there was nothing on Jack Layton getting elected as leader of the national NDP over the weekend on any of the front pages. It was Superbowl, and more Dubya sayin he's gonna go to war no matter what. It's actually just really pathetic, and disheartening that the news agencies consider american football more newsworthy than canadian politics. KATYA 01.26.03, 11:33 am So, I've discovered Krispy Kreme donuts. And let me tell you this my friends: there good, but there not THAT good. Not as good as they were hyped to be, of course. See, I have a membership at the U of T gym, and the track team was selling Krispy Kremes on friday to raise money. So, I HAD to buys some, cause everybody (mainly Jessa) has just been raving about them. So that is my review. 3 out of 5 Ice Cubes. Now, on a more thoughtful note, I've been slightly more introspective about my life and such as of late. I think it means I have too much free time, but it's just been happening. And I've been thinking about certain people from my past who I never really said goodbye to, and have no idea where they are now. It's kind of sad, because I've known lots of great people, and I wish I'd kept in touch with some of them. Like this ONE PERSON who I sometimes write to, but who has only written my once in the past year. So basically, the moral of the story is, I have to bring a book or something to the gym to read when I'm on the stairmaster or excercise bike, cause all that time staring into space makes me think too much. And you can definatly overthink some things. KATYA 01.23.03, 7:49 pm Whoa, Angelfire totally changed their whole design since I was last here....two days ago.... Anyhoo, I was just updating cause I got my midterm marks in the mail today. All except my Introduction to Music History and Music History Bibliography marks, because Lopinski's a huge slacker and hasn't even marked our stuff yet, let alone handed her marks in. But I do know I got 79.5% in Intro. I just want to know Bibliography. Anyhoo, straight As throughout. I got an A- in Theory, which is understandable, cause it's like the math of music, and I was never good at math. No matter how hard I tried, my whole 4 years of high school, I always ended up with a final mark of 75% in math. I got 3 As (Orchestra, private lessons, and chamber music) and 3 A+s (Keyboard Harmony, Masterclass, and Aural Skills). Not to be mistaken with my 4.0 GPA in Oral Skills, but that's another story. KATYA 01.21.03, 4:05 pm Well, today me and Catherine went over to the U of T gym after class, and purchased gym passes. Because now I am going to do something other than sit on my ass ALL DAY LONG. I'm just mad that I don't have skates, cause I could take a figure skating or power skating class. That we be superfun, cause I totally miss skating. It was Tom's birthday yesterday, so we were up till about 3:30.....I'm very tired today. And you know what I found out, I can see both the new Buffy and the new Angel (that airs on Wed on the WB) on Tuesday on this station out of Barrie called The New VR. Except you know what sucks? I have orchestra tonight. argh. So, it's about time for those midterm marks. I got my midterm mark for history, and I have an 80!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I got an A- on my crappy report about the 1912 overture. I had no idea what to write, so 2 pages is about Tchaikovsky and his life, and the battle of 1812, and only one small paragraph is actually about what we were supposed to do: analyze the piece. A- BABY!!! I think it's cause the singers lower the standard for everyone else, because they are SO DUMB!! It's really unbelievable how dumb they are. Anyhoo, I'm happy now, except that I can't watch Buffy tonight, but meh. KATYA 01.18.03, 1:57 am Wow, it's been a while. Things have been busying up a little. We're in the midst of preparation for the first orchestra concert of the new term. There's 3 pieces, and reduced orchestra for them all. I'm playing in both Stravinsky's (Jeu de Carte and Dumbarton Oaks) but not in the Magic Flute. The Stravinsky's are cool, but I would have like to have played the Magic Flute, just cause it's such fun music. I'm actually very happy I was picked to play Dumbarton Oaks though - it's 3 violins, 3 violas, 2 cellos, 2 basses, a french horn, a flute, a bassoo, and a clarinet. So to be picked as one of the few is cool. And I almost went to Mexico for reading week. But that's another story. Probably the most exciting new of the week is, I got a free cd in the mail yesterday. See, one of my little 'things' is I enter lots of contests. Cause I just love getting free things. I've won an Our Lady Peace tshirt, the whole Bottled Emotion fragrance line, and now this cd. Now granted, it's the Nick Carter CD, but dude, it was free!!!! And the funny thing is I don't even remembering entering for it. I have this very vague recollection of going to the What Magazine website and entering random contests. But you know, it's not too too bad. I mean, it's not really rock, but it's not BSB either. It somewhere in between, and some of the songs are just downright strange. I can't tell exactly what musical style he's trying for, but at least he's trying. Give him a pat on the back for that... KATYA p.s. It's cold. I wanna go to Mexico. 01.09.03, 11:20 pm All I have to say is, I went to a really awsome movie today, and I still haven't decided whether or not to buy the Buffy DVDs, but I'm really leaning towards yes, even though I am broke. But the movie was really really good. KATYA 01.08.02, 7:20 pm Well, since I actually GOT UP EARLY (well, like noon, but that's early for me) today to go practice, because I thought that Gilmore Girls was gonna be on tonight, I have alot of free time tonight (Gilmore Girls isn't on). So I've decided to update all the crap on this site that I haven't changed since I made it a year ago. Like I deleted the store, cause it really served no purpose at all, and I will update my profile, cause apparently I'm still in high school.... Oh, and check out my 'banner' at Demonica. KATYA 01.07.03, 8:09 pm Well, this is a dilly of a pickle. You see, I had to pay an extra $425 of tuition today, which I used the money Grandma Woloshyn gave me for Xmas to do. But that money was set aside for this summer, and also I was going to steal from it to buy the new Buffy dvds which came out today. And Angel Season 1 which comes out Febuary 11th. But now I'm broke, but I still really want the dvds. Damn the man! Save the Empire! KATYA 01.06.02, 10:09 pm For a good time, check out Demonica's coverage of Clay's New Years Eve party. Pages 1 2 and 3. Or just check out the gallery of Barb's pictures. Oh, and by the way Graeme, you put the WRONG DATE on The Star - it says 2002 instead of 2003, unless you used a time travelling device to go to the past with pictures from the future.... KATYA It could happen!!!!! 01.05.03, 10:00 pm Well, here I am, back in the T-dot. The flight was long and boring, and was delayed an hour leaving Saskatoon, and then it took another 2 hours once I landed to get home of the fabbo TTC but now I'm back and mostly unpacked and all is well. I must say, it's very nice to be able to put your stuff in drawers, instead of having all your clothes in one huge pile on the basement floor..... School starts tomorrow, hooray. I'm gonna have to actually get up and stuff! Way harsh! KATYA 01.01.03, 5:20 pm HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! I had a PV concert this afternoon, and it was good. We went to Clayton's New Years party, and it was pretty fun. Apparently his house is very sticky due to the alcohol and jello shooters spilt everywhere by drunk people. But all in all, a good time had by all. So tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm apparently supposed to plan something to do. I suggested bowling but Gillian didn't seem to think it was a good idea. Maybe I'll just have everyone over here and we can watch movies, like we do every year.... Next year we can go out! KATYA |
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