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Katyazikstan, The Freshmaker

Katyazikstan, The Freshmaker

31.03.03, 11:40 pm
Well, I'm happier now. I took the boots back and they're gonna send them back and get them repaired for me, or replaced. AND, I finished my essay in only 4 and a half hours!!! So, Season 4 of Buffy started today on Space. I really like season 4. And while I was flipping on commercials, I saw the most hilarious video ever!!! It for a song called Fever for the Flava by a band called Hot Action Cop. The video is just laden with sexual innuendos, and it's totally hilarious! I just sat there and laughed my ass off. And they bleeped out half of the chorus, even when the singer only said 'hoochie'. Whassup wit dat?!

30.03.03, 7:29 pm
Well, I'm just mad. See, Catherine's stand partner in Korean orchestra told her about this shoe store that was having this major sale. Any shoes that were 90 dollars and under, were 10$, and any shoes that were over 90, were $30. So I got these really cool pointy toed spiked heel boots for 30 bucks (regular 185), and I was feeling all cool, and I was walking down Spadina to this party, and the heel of my right boot snaps off. For no reason. So I'm SO taking them back. I didn't even take the tag off or anything, so if they don't give my money back I'll be mightly pissed. But anyhoo, when I got the kareoke bar in chinatown where the party was, I just took off my shoes. No sweat. But seeing as how we left at 2 am, and the subways were closed I first had to walk from Spadina to Bathurst to catch the Bathurst 24 hour drunk bus, stand around for half and hour waiting for the stupid drunk bus to come, and then get off at Bathurst and St. Clair and walk home. So when I got off the bus, I just took off my boots and walked home in my stocking feet. It was kinda cold. It took my forever to warm up again once I got home. I had to put on my flannel pjs that I had already retired for the season, because I couldn't warm up. But then in the middle of the night ...well, morning.... I had to get out of bed and change into my normal pjs because I was too hot. So needless to say, today my feet hurt. And we had to go back down to Chinatown to pick up our car, which we just left there overnight. But Cath was pretty hungover, and my feet still hurt and I was tired, so we just took the subway down in our pjs. That was fun.

27.03.03, 3:20 pm
Hey hey everybody. I got an email from Domaine Forget today saying I got in and I got a scholarship, so I'm goin to rural Quebec this summer. Booya. AND, Anne's coming to TO tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be able to hook up with her. In new war news, don't you hate trying to explain things to stupid people? I know I do. Also, the boycotting takes a stupid turn. Ah, stupid people. Would there be any news without them?

26.03.03, 3:59 pm
It's all LIES!!!! LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, maybe not. But I seriously don't remember any cake or nudity, even though it's one of Graeme and Clay's favorite stories to tell. I mean, if I did it, don't you think I'd remember?!
Oh yeah, and for those of you who haven't seen it, you should check out the new music video by System of a Down. The song is called Boom! and the vid was directed by Micheal Moore. Download it now from whatever file sharing thing you use. NOW!! SCHNELL!!

24.03.03, 2:36 pm
Yay! Adrien Brody won Best Actor. Although, I'm still pissed off that Chicago won best movie. But anyhoo, boyz n goulz, guess what time it is! That's right! It's HUMPHRIES HISTORY WEEK!!!!


20.03.03, 1:31 pm
You know who's cool? Micheal Moore.

20.03.03, 1:16 am
It's begun. God, how I hate Dubya. What a major asshole. Anyways, there will be a big rally outside the US consulate this afternoon at 5. Hopefully tons will show.

18.03.03, 10:22 pm
Well, spring is officially in the air here in Toronto. And by spring, I mean deadly levels of pollution. Yesterday it went up to 13, all the snow is melting away, and we also had our first high alert smog warning yesterday. And it was gross and muggy. Aaaaah, Southern Ontario..... Anyways, it's nice that most of the snow has melted, cause I went rollerblading today. It's one of my favorite pastimes, since I suck at pretty much every sport created. I can't even run. I'm that sucky. But since I used to be a competitive figure skater and all (with a bronze medal to show for it), I quite enjoy rollerblading. That and it's not as hard on my gummy knees. It was very nice, except that whole almost falling down on the wet wooden bridge covered in mud. That was not so fun.
I finished my book I've been reading today. It's called "Bastards and Boneheads" by Will Ferguson, and it's absolutely hilarious. It's about Canadian history, but the fun part of Canadian history. Like the minister in charge of Indian affairs who also wrote really awful poetry about dead indians. Such as "Watkins: A withered old Indian woman (Scott just loved writing about withered old Indian women) recalls with lip-smacking glee the pleasures she once took in slitting enemy throats, when "her long knife flashed" and "drank its fill" of blood." Remember that Duncan Campbell Scott is still highly regarded in Canadian literary circles and he was also responsible for setting Native policy in Canada for almost 20 years. Scary isn't it. Anyways, I highly recommend this book It's pretty awsome.

17.03.03, 6:56 pm
First things first, to all you Buffy fans, check this out. It's awsome. So anyhoo, today I went over to my cousin Tracy's and visited her and her six month old baby Claire. Claire is the cutest!!! Except of course, when she's wailing her head off. But it was nice, and now I'm back home. Cayley seems to have vanished from existance. Tracy asked my how my brothers were, and I didn't know. Well, we all know how Graeme's doing, but Cayley...

15.03.03, 10:26 am
Well, now that's over. Orchestra week I mean. But you know what really sucks? When you have to work really hard all week, and then they make you give up your weekend too. See, I'm supposed to be playing in an open lesson tonight, but because it was orchestra week, I haven't really practiced all week.... And then we're supposed to go to a chamber music master class tomorrow morning at 10, and a viola master class at 1. And then on monday all violists are supposed to go to an excerpt class, and some other class, but they're right during my materials class. I don't want to skip materials, cause if you miss one week, you're a goner! It's my only class with real work! So I think I'll go to materials, and skip the other stuff. Cause hey, I'm already giving up my weekend to this Roberto Diaz guy. I mean, geez, who does he think he is?! Oh, and Cayley, Michelle says to tell you that she's hot.

10.03.03, 12:46 am
Well, there are two winners apparently, because both Graeme and Barb claim to be the winners and both sent me 2000 screenshots. So now to decide. Well, Graeme is my brother, which is of course a strike against him because hey, Barb never tortured me in my youth. But then again, Barb didn't feature me in her women's week thing, and as I take everything that has nothing to do with me very personally, that's a strike against her. So I have come to the conclusion that the only way to decide the winner is to have a steel cage match to the death in Pile 'O Bones. If anybody has a better idea, well, it's just probably not as fun.

09.03.03, 2:26 pm
So, I've been noticing my counter at the bottom is nearing 2000, so I thought I'd set up a contest of my own. Quite possible for frozen yoghurt or some other delicacy of comparable nature. So all you have to do is send me a screen shot of the counter at 2000, or close. The closest person will recieve a surprise in the mail! I wonder if I put some frozen yoghurt in an envelope if it would stay.....

08.03.03, 11:12 pm
WE RULE!!! We were on tv! You can check out a video from City TV's Pulse 24 here. And from CBC in quicktime here. We're right at the front of the march, just behind the little kids holding the banner. I got the sign that says 'Bush is the real enemy' and Michelle's holding 'Disarm the U.S.A.' It's supercool. Here's a picture I lifted off of CTV's website. Can you spot us?


08.03.03, 6:17 pm
Another day, another peace march. I gotta watch the news tonight, cause they kept filming my friends and I during the march today. I think it's cause we had kickass signs. I went over to Michelle's house on Thursday afternoon, and we watched Angel and made signs. They're bright, colourful, and say 'Bush is the real enemy' on one side, and 'Disarm the U.S.A.' on the other side. The march today started at an auditorium at U of T that was across the street from the Con, and we marched down Bloor to Yonge, and then down Yonge to Dundas. We were right at the front of the march, and we were filmed by CTV and CityTV, and Michelle was interviewed by some guy from CFRB radio. It was pretty cool. So now I'm all pumped for the one next weekend at the U.S. consulate. It's pretty funny, cause there's been a protest or march about every 2 days this week here in TO. On Thursday U of T had a big protest where everybody walked out of class and marched to Queen's Park, except not the Faculty of Music. They were surprised to find out that they belonged to a University with all these other people. That's the problem with being in music. You never meet anyone, because you're so isolated. We just go to class, and orchestra, and practice, and we never have a clue when other things are going on. I mean, we only knew about this march today cause Michelle ran into some guy on the subway who was organizing it. But anyways, it was all good.

05.03.03, 11:23 pm
Okay, so yesterday we had our first rehearsal for the dreaded Rite of Spring. Cause it's Stravinsky, it harmonically pretty out there, and fast, and with crazy rhythms. So needless to say I was a little worried. I had looked it over a coupla times, got some fingerings down, but was totally clueless about the rhythms. Well, I feel alot better now. They're actually not that hard, you just have to get in the "groove." It's really just that the notation of the rhythms is kind of misleading, and very scary looking. Courtesy of WWDN here's a Star Trek personality test. Which Star Trek character are you most like? Here are my results. And here's a funny little piece that originated at Satire Wire, and then Jon Stewart ripped off for The Daily Show, which is where I coincidentally heard it. One of those about 5 times I've watched the Daily Show in the past year. But anyways, it's funny.

05.03.03, 12:56 am
Well it's good to know I'm appreciated. And in answer to Jet D's suggestions, I don't think any of mine friends is stupid enough to believe Cayley has 50 million dollars. And even if I did, I'm pretty sure I could count on Cayley to be even more obviously NOT rich than Evan Marriot was. I mean, that man couldn't even complement a girl without mentioning her breasts! But back on track.... I'm sure that Jessa would play along, but she would probably get very confused by the whole thing and just ask alot of questions. Catherine would just get really weirded out. I mean, she couldn't even see the humour in Cayley trading me to Clayton for Clayton's sister. She took offense on my behalf, even though I wasn't offended in the least. I thought it was hilarious! And lastly, I could probably get Michelle to play along, even though she might not really get it, and as she's the only one who hasn't met Cayley, he might actually get away with acting like a normal person... But we all know the truth.
Hey Cayley, got any friends you can set me up with?

04.03.03, 6:35 pm
Well, it's official. I mean, we all knew it was coming, but it's now truly official. Buffy as we know it is over. But I was talking to the previously mentioned Michelle today, and she was telling me about a review of the Seattle Comicon she read, and about James Marsters, and about how he's in every spinoff idea they have so far. Their origional idea was "the Faith and Spike show" but Eliza Dushku got a role on some other TV show for the fall. Apparently though, most of the other Buffy actors don't really want to be involved in a spinoff, except James Marsters, who's all like, Dude! Of course! And he also apparently gave a speech about how Spike is the Spock of Buffy. It's too complicated to get into right now because I have to run off to rehearsal, but I just have to say that any really hot guy who compares himself to Spock, is so so cool in my books. An now you know.

04.03.03, 1:02 am
Okay, we were rearranging the furniture in our room today, and found mold. It's super gross. Somebody was supposed to come over today and fix the hole in the ceiling for our room, but they never did. But anyways, just a quick note saying I have a new mission. See, when I was back home for the holidays I got all these "G Hump Collection Agency" stickers, 1 DEMONICA sticker, and 1 Red Bandana Online sticker. So what I want to do is take Tom's digital camera, and these stickers, and wander around Tdot sticking them to things, then taking pictures for Graeme and Barb. Of course, God only knows when I'll actually get time to do this. Maybe I can recruit my friend Michelle to come with me, although she's usually pretty busy. Oh yeah, and Cayley, about fixing you up with friends of mine, you've met my friends, right? I mean, are you sure about this?! I mean, there's Catherine, but she's still hung up on the guy she broke up with in August, and there's Michelle, who's a big Buffy fan like me, but she doesn't know you at all. And really, asides from Jessa, who you know, that's about it. So tough luck buddy.

01.03.03, 2:1 pm
Okay, the pictures are back now. And I just want to inform y'all of a great new country artist I discovered the other day. Cledus T. Judd. I mean, for starters, his name is Cledus. How much more country can you get. And secondly, he's kind of like a second-rate Wierd Al, of the country world. He remade Toby Keith's How Do You Like Me Now? into How Do You Milk A Cow? and Kenny Chesney's She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy into My Cellmate Thinks I'm Sexy. I mean, after about 3 songs his voice gets annoying and wearing and you just want to stab him through the throat, but until then it's funny....

01.03.03, 1:48 am
Well, the pictures are temporarily down, as I deleted them cause they were too big, and I made them smaller, but then tom's computer crashed while I was uploading them again, and it was a thing. But anyhoo, I got money in the mail from the goverment today. It was a joyous occasion. Now I can pay off my visa!!! huzza!!! And also, I have a new friend, named Julia Volkova. Julia and I are tight, y'know. We go together like peas and carrots. Also, I am eagerly anticipating Humphries History Week over at Soul D. I can't wait to hear what sordid tales Jet D's uncovered, like that time when my real last name was Woloshyn my whole life, but my mother never told me and I only discovered it when I was in grade 8 and saw my birth certificate. Good times, good times. And I'm rooting for Chakotay too.

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