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10.24.02, 9:23 pm Well well well, Wil's in a movie! Huzzah! But enough about Wil. Let's talk about me. All about me. Well, let's see. I'm better now, no more sickness. Catherine and I went to the new Michael Moore movie, Bowling For Columbine. It was really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really good. And I have to play in a crappy masterclass tomorrow. I only wish I could play in tune. Ah, that would be nice. Oh, and the cellist in one of my quartets quite, and so now we're a trio. We're starting a trio for 2 violins and viola by Kodaly, and it's supercool. Oh yeah, and apparently I'm sleeping with Dave. ?!!!!?!!! I think Cayley needs some professional help. KATYA 10.19.02, 4:16 am Well, I'm just writing a small note cause I'm kinda finding it hard to sleep. Maybe it's cause I slept all day - I've been kind of sick. I will go to bed soon though. And I do feel much better after all the rest. This morning me and Catherine got up early and went busking at St. Lawrence Market, but I was just so exhausted. My head hurt so much, it felt like my brain was shriveling up inside of my skull, and my entire body was numb. It seriously took so much effort to do anything. And I couldn't breathe cause my sinuses were all stuffed up. And then I got home at about 10 am, and our front front door (to the whole house) is broken, and my key wouldn't work in the door, so I had to wait until 11 when our downstairs neighbor came out the door. And then I just collapsed into bed and slept until Tom came home at about 6. And now Trevor's here for his fall break, and Peter's in Omaha visiting Aiko, and Tom and Catherine just got back from Liza's shooters party and are puking, and apperently Yosef and Magumi are coming over here to stay tonight cause they lost their keys to their apartment. And then there's me - and I'm starting to get a headache so I'm going to sleep for hopefully another 12 hours or so. KATYA 10/15.02, 8:38 pm So, I'm toying with the idea of getting a cellphone from Fido, cause they're actually pretty cheap - only 20 bucks a month, and way more practical in Toronto than in Saskatoon, that's for sure. Like the other night, Catherine and Tegan were trying to get a hold of me to come to a rehearsal for our gig on Thursday, but I was out in Markham at this boringass dinner. I mean, a frikkin Metropass costs more than a cellphone. And I don't need anybody giving me any 'good' advice about this *cough mom cough*. I've almost made up my mind. So there. Na na na boo boo. KATYA 10.06.02, 11:49 pm Well, it has been brought to my attention that "everyone" was sad that I didn't update my page for a long time. Well, you see, I was under the impression that no one read this, except maybe me. But I guess if my adoring public really must know, I can paint a picture for you of just why I haven't been updating. I wake up. It varies from day to day, but usually not before 9. I get up, go to school, go to class or practice, then come home. I sit around on my ass all afternoon, then I go back to school and practice, then I come home, sit around on my ass a little more, then go to bed. Exciting, right? Folks, the highlight of my week was when we went to Yosef's last night and played Nintendo till like 1 am. whoo. But yeah. That's pretty much it, cept I bought a bike, so I bike to and from school, and I'm in 2 quartets. Isn't life exciting. I hope that "everyone" will be happy now that they know just how boring it is to be me. KATYA p.s. you know it's sad when Eggo waffles and frozen blueberries become virtually your every meal. 10.05.02, 6:12 pm Wow. I just realized that I haven't updated this in like a month. BUt it's been really busy!!! I swear!!! Actually, I don't know, I just never think of it. But I just watched the first two episodes of s7 of Buffy back to back (I downloaded them off Kazaa last night) and they were SO GOOD!!!!!!!! Oh my good lord, Joss Whedon is some sort of genius. Of course I had no idea what would happen at the end of last season, I mean with Willow back from being all evil and stuff, and Spike having a soul, but damn, it is SO GOOD!! That's all I have to say for now, other than I can't wait for Angel to start, cause damn, Angel's at the bottom of the ocean and Cordelia's gone to a higher plain of existence. These people have rich and varied social lives. |
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