2. Padawan Apprentice: There is always a beginning but you will soon join the ranks of the higher Jedi. This rank is one rank above a non-Jedi Cadet. 5. Young Jedi: Well above apprentice and cadet. But only slightly above the non-Jedi ranks of Officer and Captain. 6a. Jedi Knight: Becoming a Jedi Knight is the dream of most Jedi. This is above everything from Young Jedi on. It is also the non-Jedi equivalent of a General. 8. Jedi
Master: The highest non council member rank. This is what all Jedi
hope to eventually become. This rank is slightly above the highest non-Jedi
rank of Commander.
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1. Cadet: The lowest of ranks, both Jedi and non-Jedi, but after all even the greatest oak started out as a seed. 3. Officer: Ranks above both Cadet and Padawan. This rank is an admirable rank for anyone to achieve. 4. Captain: Above the rank of Officer and on, however, this rank is still below the Young Jedi. 6b. General: A General is the dream of most non-Jedi. This is above everything from Young Jedi on. It is also the Jedi equivalent of a Jedi Knight. 7. Commander: This is the highest non-Jedi rank. A very formidable rank, however, it is still one below the Jedi Master. |
9. Council
of Knights:
This is the highest
rank for the Knights
of the Force.
Jedi or non-Jedi each
member at this
rank is equal and has
an equal voice
in the matters of the PA.
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