Form: Larva Absorbed: Nobody Description: Cell was genetically created with cells from Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Tien and some other great fighters. Cell started out as a small little speck in a tank. |
Form: Egg Absorbed: Nobody Description: When Cell first got out of his 2nd Larva state, he found out that his time had hardly anyone to absorb. So he stole Trunks's Time Machine and went to the date that he entered in on the data. To do this, he had to go down to his Egg Form and evolve all over again. This was something he was willing to do. |
Form: Shell Absorbed: Nobody Description: When Cell grew to normal size, he became a (More than usual.) bug like thing, that walked on 6 legs. After a couple of days in this form, he grows out of the shell, becoming Imperfect Cell. |
Form: Imperfect Cell Absorbed: Countless People Description: Cell is a great design, created by Dr. Gero. He has the cells of Goku, Frieza, Piccolo, Vegeta, Tien, Yamcha, Gohan and the other strongest fighters. Cell was programmed to absorb Androids #17 and #18 to reach his perfect state. In this form, he absorbs countless numbers of people to become stronger. |
Form: Imperfect Cell (form 2) Absorbed: Android 17 Description: Cell's next state that he goes into after absorbing Android 17. This form of Cell took down Android 16 in a blink of an eye. Tien was able to hold him back, but had an really hard time doing so, until Vegeta and Trunks came in. Vegeta started wailing on him like there was no tomorrow and out smarted him in every way. Until Cell out smarted him into letting him absorb Android 18 and becoming perfect. |
Form: Perfect Cell Absorbed: Android 18 Description: Cell's best and most perfect form. He has no equal in the universe. He can regenerate all his limbs and the Distructo Dik do not effect him at all. He knows all the moves that the Z Fighters know. (Except for a select few.) Cell proves to be way to strong for any of the Z Fighters, until Gohan gets insanely mad at him killing Android 16 and turns to the Super Saiyan 2 state. In which case Cell has no power over him... |