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New Namek / IFrame Tutorial

The iframe might be a new tag to some people here, this allows you to include files from anywhere on the web in the page you put in a iframe.

Iframe is rather similar to SSI but in my opinion iframe is better. The way iframe is used in this tutorial is just like how PHP works. To make the iframe look more like PHP you need to control it's look.

The basic thing you should know are the iframe tags, opened and closed.

In the first tag you have to add something to show up. If you leave them like that, nothing will appear. Lets tell the iframe what to open in it's frame. We tell the iframe to load a certain file.

Example: (). Note that where it says news.html, it should reflect to the file you want to open in it (In the iframe). To use iframe like PHP we put all the tags where the content should be.

The look of the iframe will not be very neat. That's because you need to control it's look, before that it's better to give the iframe a suitable name.

You may change "content" to something else as long as it doesn't include any spaces. You give it a name because when you link stuff you can tell it to open that file in the iframe (target="content").

Eventually we got to the point of controlling the look. Lets start off with the size settings and stuff.

You may change the width and height to the accurate pixels for your use. Now add these to make it look even neater.

I recommend that you leave these three details as they are because the iframe looks nice with these settings. Now this part comes to have advanced control on the iframes look. This allows you to have total control on the iframe's look. You should add these to have total control on it's look.

Now again, I recommend not to change the values because it looks good like how it is now. When you done everything your iframe tags should look like: