Title :
Episode 54 - Ginyu Assault Burter and Jeice of the fearsome Ginyu Force lauch an attack on Goku. But the tables turn as Goku's new power is way too much for them to handle. After Goku easily defeats Burter, Jeice rushes to retrieve the fiercest of all Ginyu...Captain Ginyu himself. But can their collective force match to the new Goku? Episode 55 - Incredible Force! An angry Captain Ginyu initiates a battle with the fearless Goku, as the ruthless mercenay attempts to uncover Goku's true strength. But Goku cleverly conceals his power level from the miitant monster. Finally, at the insistence of the captain, Goku astounds both Jeice and Ginyu by revealing his true power... A power unlike anything they had anticipated. Episode 56 - Frieza Approaches Captain Ginyu and Jeice face up to Goku only to discover the truth about what they're up against. Elsewhere, Guru bestows a special gift of healing upon the young Namek, Dende. And Nail returns to defend Guru from the villainous Frieza. But will Nail's spercial training be enough? |
Title :
Double Cross
Episode 57 - Goku is Ginyu & Ginyu is Goku Frieza battles Nail in an effort to discover the password for the Dragon Balls. But can his skills measure up? Elsewhere, a powerful Goku faces the remaining Ginyu Force. But careful Goku! Captain Ginyu has some fiendish trickery in store. Episode 58 - Calling The Eternal Dragon Vegeta's plan to recapture the Dragon Balls is put on hold as Gohan and Krillin are first to fin the buried treasure. But all three are in for a big shock as Captain Ginyu shows up in Goku's body. Episode 59 - Gohan Defeat Your Dad!! Gohan and Krillin battle Captain Ginyu, disguised in Goku's body. But watch out! Vegeta's taking action with a strength no one expected! Is Vegeta really a Super Saiyan? Episode 60 - Captain Ginyu... The Frog An injured Captain Ginyu awaits Vegeta's onslaught. But the weakened warrior has devious plans up his sleeve. Will he be able to switch bodies with Vegeta the way he managed to switch with Goku? And what will become of Goku, w struggling in Captain Ginyu's crippled body? |