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My Family-Aren't we Cute

Look it's pics of me and my family, how obvious.

This is my whole family (Joel was in my sister's tummy) and my grandma (and Jenny) at my great-grandma's birthday party, 2002.

My family at Victor's college graduation.

Mommy and Daddy at one of the banquets they went to.

This is Gwen, me and Victor when we were MUCH younger, no clue how old though.

My little brother as a baby, where did the time go?

My little brother Geoff and the girl my mom once babysat, Ariel.

Look it's a bird, it's a plain, it's HERCULES!!!! In the form of my baby brother.

Look it's Geoff the guitar! My brothers are sooooooo weird.

My niece, Rachel, and me at my Graduation Party. No really she's not choking me, I just got surprised by the camera, lol.

Bethany and me at my graduation- JUNE 2, 2001, hehehe.

My baby brother, don't he look so handsome!

And Then There Was Me!
