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Look it's our pets!

It's my baby, the love of my life, CHANTIE-POO (his full name is Enchantment but have you ever tried to yell that really fast?)

Me and my newest baby.... Arwen

Couscous, the moose cat of my brother's, his is the KING of the four cats we have.

Rimshot, the only girl cat in our family, poor thing, she's our sweetheart.

Zoe, the OTHER dog in my life, lol.

Jenny's piggy!!! Aragorn the Fuzzy.

Rockie loves Emily, Rockie loves Emily, ok I'm done. She may not love Emily, but she loves COMICS!!!

Draco, Jenny's lizard. As long as he stays in his cage as FAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR away from me as possible, we get along fine.

A moment of peace, few and far between with our animals.

Awwww, they look so SWEET!!!! Don't let them fool you, they are eeeevvvviiiiilllll.

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