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You Dont Fucking Like Us... We Dont Fucking Care


Hey like i said i updated my page, So now all my friends have a page dedicated soley too them. I have got a lot of positive feedback on my site and that made making it all that much more worthwhile. Right, so now onto my rant. If you chat on DigiVibe there is no way you can possibly not have seen the petty arguing and bickering that goes on there. It really has to stop, its bordering on pathetic each and every day someone is bitching about something insignificant. Most people know that im good friends with pooh, and that occasionally i do pick up for her... but cmon man enough is enough, You want some helpful advice pooh from a good friend. LEAVE IRC MEN ALONE ALL OF YALL WOMEN LEAVE IRC MEN ALONE, its advice right? You in no way have to take it, and if your happy in an e-relationship.. good for you i wish you the best. 9/10ths of the arguing on IRC stems from bitching about boys on the net, sure it happens with girls too.. but men are far more frequent.

Hey off the net topic for a bit, my first passion is poetry... a close second is music... which is essentially poetry anyway.... Well now each week ill mention some bands i have on my Fserve that i think deserve some exposure.. I hope that you will take my advice and give them an ear. THIS WEEK id like you to check out TRAPT and BLINDSIDE these two bands that i recently picked up have an incredible sound so please check them out.

Ive been thinking of posting some of my poetry here ---><--- Let me know on DigiVibe if you think that would be a cool idea.

Sites that Dont Suck .... And Some That Do

Draculas site, anyone who doesnt think Josh is cool in his own right, I have a serious problem with.
Tink has a good heart, and i love having her on Vibe check out her site
This is Pams site where she proves time and time again why i dont want to be like her when im 29. (This falls into that Some that dont category
This is my lil sis site, worth taking a look at besides it has my ugly mug on it >:)
Digivibes Website.... fucking duh

Top 6 who bitch and moan on IRC RIGHT NOW!! No this isnt a bash its fact, want off this list? Stop bitching.

For some reason Guru of The Mountain has Decided to make his Home on my Webpage, well anyway you can get to him by clicking the link below.