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Isn't this what everyone wants? The Human Dream. The perfect life. It's what we've been brought up thinking. Espically us in America. Here we even call it the "American Dream". When we founded this country we could see the light at the end of the tunnel getting bigger and bigger by the second. It was our world. The perfect fantasy world we all want to live. Money, love, kids, freedom, a big house, maybe some land. In one way or another don't we all think this way? Of course we do. We've been brought up in such a way that these material things aren't just material anymore. They're a nessacity. Like school. You cannot pass school anymore if you don't have a computer. Or at least access to one. It's not possible. Times are changing drasticly. And whats happening is that if we don't change with the times. Then society will leave us behind like yesterday's newspaper.
Even the foundation of our country is changing. A land founded on the free rights of the people. A land founded on the belief that the people rule and we may say and do as we wish. And then suddenly things change in a flash and even disagreeing with the government or someone in power, (wait, aren't we suppose to be in power?) you get repremaned. I always thought that the freedom of speech meant we could say anything we wanted. But aperently I (as well as everyone else in the country) has been taught wrong. Freedom of Speech doesn't mean we can say what we want. Freedom of Speech means that we have the freedom to say whats ok for society to hear.

What I am trying to say here is that, our individuality is being stripped from us. By limiting, or even revoking our right to speak our mind, they are limiting, and ultimatly revoking, our right to be an individual. Now I'm not some Eminem fanatic or anything. But somethings he says, (not all, some of it's ridiculous but somethings) make a lot of sense. He has his beliefs and he sticks to them. He's keeping our right to be an individual alive by saying what he does. And while, yes I am a fan of a lot of his stuff, I have my own beliefs and I disagree with some of it. And thats how we should be. We should all have our own opinion, and we should all be able to express it.
So your probably thinking (or maybe not, I'm not all to sure) how does this relate to people coming past their fears and becoming their true selves? Well, look at it like this. If you have your own beliefs, and you take a stand and stand up for those beliefs and become an individual; then isn't that a start to becoming YOU? Figuring out what you believe in and not backing down on those beliefs, is the absolute best, and by far the first, step to finding yourself. I believe anyway.
So what I'm saying is to stand up for your rights to speak your mind. Stand up for your rights to be an individual. Don't let yourself be pushed into ordinary life. Into a pathetic boring and bland life. Fight for your right to speak. And if we don't, then we're doomed to a life of mind-numbing tireless blandness, where no one knows who they are. And they have no way to find themselves. The light at the end of the tunnel isn't growing anymore. It's quickly becoming a spec that won't be visible anymore. And our individuality, our freedoms, our lives are being taken with that light. Being pulled into the nothingness that this world is becoming.

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