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Next DRINK in 60 seconds

The Power Hour Page

Looking online I couldnt find a page that alerted you of every minute for every hour so I have done my best to make one of my own

What you need

  • LOTS of beer(maybe six beers per player)

  • a shot glass for each player

  • My web page
  • an optional supply is munchies such as pretzles to help get you through the hour....dont ask why, but it works


    On the left part of this page in the side frame you will see an hour timer....This is the master clock. When it reaches zero the game is done.
    At the top of this page you will see a second timer. When this timer gets to zero you DRINK and the timer will reset itself.

    manually reset this entire page of frames to set the hour clock to the full hour and drink your first drink!!