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Shadow Of The Dark Wolf

Welcome To the Shadow Of The Dark Wolf site. Those of you know me know that I am not really a big talker in the rooms but I do think of the people I care for and talk to the most Below is the list of those ppl. I made this site to give those speical ppl the recognition I feel they deserve and so they know I am always thinking of them. 1. Lil_satan_babygirl21(8-x K¡TT¡£ 8-x) she is one of the best friends I have had on here.. I have know Kittie for bout 2 years now and she has never judged me for anything or for the ppl I talk to. 2.Tya_loco_ldr_of_loa well Loco has been and always will be my monkey boy even before I became an L.O.A Me and him make a pretty good chat team on here and as I have said before I am and I always Will Be Legion_0f_Angels_D4rk_Wolf L.O.A For Life Biotches.. 3.always_2fast_2cute(*~* Baby Boo *~*) now what can I say that won't sound like an average male But Wow she is a Major Hottie who should be a true model plus she has the best personality I have ever seen in pardon the pun but the beautiful ppl she don't judge ppl unless they judge her. 4.Greenlantern he is the one who helped me create the name Shadow_0f_th3_d4rk_w0lf that most know me by now thanks man and plus the fact that he also entertains me with most the women falling over themselves for him. 5. Lil_satan_babygirl21(8-x K¡TT¡£ 8-x)JUST HAD TOO PUT KITTIE ON HERE TWICE DEFINATLY SOMEONE WORTH MENTIONING TWICE 6.legalizemichigan ( Reverand Happy ) Well Reverand Happy is one of my best friends and the most phylosphical person I know and have met him and have too commend him on his On going Fight To get Maryjane Legal in Michigan the man is the best hippy I know and BTW he Looks kinda like a biker Jesus but he is who he is and we like it that way.. 7.loveorleave1 well I can say alot bout this person cuz I live with her and have for the past almost six months we have our moment but we get along with what we have I could ask for a better friend or roomate she understands all my problems and also works with my quirk I wish more roomates could be like her I have much love for her and her son and I thank her for giving me a place to live and keeping me alive and not asking for nothing in return and she is and always will be the best friend I could ever have... 8.d3m0n1c_t0ys_sup3r_fr34k ( Da Freak) Well his name exsplains it all he Is Da Freak and he has kept me from loosing my mind on with oposing groups seem to always keep the peace nomatter what and if I was to ever join another group it would be The Demonic Toys Guarenteed.. 9.strawberry_flava_numpty (Mega Bitch ) well I don't know much bout The mega bitch cuz we just met but with time I am sure we will become good friends. 10.b1g_d4ddy_b4d_1llu510nz(Ronny) Ronny I can say alot about Like I have Met him in person ran a couple groups together and that he is on of the most comical characters I have seen on here. 11. dennisk72284 (Former Dp MasterMind)(TAnk) And LAst But Definatly Not Least My Bro Dennis Who was my partner In Bringing The original Digital Pimpz Down and also Was my Partner in the creation Of The Du4l_p0w3r Though we don't do groups much anymore We still try to keep in contact with each other even though we have had a couple falling outs But we are and Always will Be brothers To the Bone..

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Yahoo! Chat Michigan 10 Reg Page
Reverand Happy HempPage
