Inexpugnable Peristalith

By: Adam Frederick

September 23, 2002

Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language:

Inexpugnable: adj. That can not be erased or obliterated; inextirpable.

Peristalith: n. A group of stones encircling a mound, dolmen, or the like [1880-85; Unbreakable faith to what once was - dolmen.

Janus is not a real person, just a representation of a meaning.

Subject at hand: Janus(beginning, doorway, rising and setting)- “God this and god that... That’s all I here out of these people of mourning. ‘Why did god let this happen’ or better yet, ‘Why did god let this happen to me.’ My reply - God didn’t do this to you. He didn’t ‘let’ this happen to you... It’s terrible really... These people all worshiping him, loving him, and now seemingly loathing him.

My simple explanation is god is dead. He may have once been around, very powerful, and so on, but no longer. He’s dead and many people seem to be mistakenly worshiping his grave - The Universe... Hard to think that all of what we know could come from the death of god. That’s another thing - I try to explain how, mathematically, god can’t exist the way they think of him, I think about it, they think he is all-might and all-knowledgeable and yet they talk to him. By the way, sorry for using ‘he’, it’s just what god is most commonly referred to. So, when I tell them, that god can not exist in the way they think of them, and even give them and explanation, they give me some BS. on how its’ past the human mind to comprehend.- and here’s the part that really makes my day - If human’s don’t have the mental capability to know if there is god, why do they worship him, and even further, why are they so persistent in worshipping him in a certain way. It’s like not even acknowledging their way of think about him may be wrong, and telling me humans don’t have the mental capability... Ok, let’s go on with the all-powerful or very powerful issue. At this point I will give the reason behinds some people’s wrongness in thinking of god:

If god knew everything then he himself would have to be everything, or nonexistent in the way of he could effective nothing. The reason for this is if he knew everything, then just being a part, not a whole, and not nonexistent, but just a part... It would be like time travel. Some that knew everything, and at the same time, was not everything, would not be able to take in the knowledge of it’s own effect. It would be a ever going spiral.

Example: Trying to divide yourself by infinity. It just doesn’t work. When god is nothing though, he is nothing, and knows nothing. So, imagine 1 as being all knowledge and 0 being nothing... You can find your value by dividing yourself by infinity. Therefore, given every number except for 0 and infinity, you would not get a rational number in this equation. If your thinking about there being an infinite negative, your thinking way too much. I could imagine though, it would be something like a negative of the picture of the universe. lastly, an infinite divided by another infinite is 1 - all knowledge

This is the point I was making. Why pray to the universe... It only has laws. Why blame the universe, something you are a part of. Why would anyone blame something they are a part of. Finally... If god were just very powerful, there’d be more logic to it. With this theory, you can say he is dead or alvie. This is where I came up with god is dead: A god, so powerful, not taking actions to prevent wars and the suffering of his/her followers. So... in essence... he is dead. He is dead to many after 9/11.”

By the way, god being a singularity probably would have no gender.

Writer’s Note: I did not burst into flames nor start melting while I wrote this.

PS: My condolences to those this has effected badly.