-SnK- RYaN
Ryan takes airsofting seriously as he views it as good training for when he leaves to join the Marine Corps. He is a deadly addition to the team with his silent movements and precision accuracy. With the addition of the M16A2 to his arsenal, he has become a bigger threat to the opposition. Whether sniping from a distance or launching a frontal attack, he is feared by his enemies at all times.
Real Name: Ryan Daggs
Age: 17
Height: 5'10"
Status: Corporal
Firearms Inventory:
USP8 Compact Tactical Spring Pump | 12 round clip [Spring]
Semi-Automatic Full Metal M92F Beretta | 25 round clip [Gas]
Semi-Automatic P226 Sig Sauer | 15 round clip [Gas]
M-16 A2 with upgraded spring (350 fps) | 68 rounds
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