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Elemental Creatures

Damn, I did it this time, didn't I? Ah well, I said I'd tell you about Elementals, so I will.

An Elemental creature is a creature made from one of the elements: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth.

You can create your own Elemental as a protector or companion (or maybe both). To communicate with your Elemental, you form sentances in your mind, and it would answer back. It's fairly hard to see an Elemental; phisically, anyway. You usually see it in your mind, after all, your mind is the most important thing. The color of your Elemental is also important; it should be in the colour of the Element that they represent. You can decide what creature your Elemental is! However, it's best to chose one that you see a lot, so it's easier to visualise. You don't HAVE to, it's just recommended for beginners. To look after your elemental, give it a box or something, put its elemental symbol on the box (find them on other sites, sorry) and ask it to use the space you have given it.

How to create an Elemental:

I won't pretend I'm an expert, but I'll try and explain how and why you can make an Elemental.

1) Be very calm. Be without distractions.

2) Visualise a glowing ball in front of you in the color of you Elemental. (Yellow for Air, Blue for Water, Green for Earth, and Red for Fire,)

3) Now imagine the glowing ball slowly forming the shape of your Elemental. (It's best to have chosen what creature you will use beforehand.)

4) Once the Elemental has formed, you'd best give it a name. Say, either out loud, or telepathically, something along the lines of: "I name you (insert name)"

5) Now, don't have created an Elemental for no good reason. Tell it why it was created and enjoy its friendship!

6) Once finished with your Elemental, visualise it in your mind, and make it fade back into the glowing ball that it came from. Then proceed to make the ball disappear.

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