
I thought I might tell you all a little about Necromancers.

Okay. About Necromancers.

Normally, they are gaunt, pale people. They use magick, not the tame, fake magick in movies. REAL magick. Magick which can stop Death in his tracks, or take life with the blink of an eyelid. They work with death every day, speaking to spirits and raising loved ones.

Not all Necromancers are evil. Quite a lot of them are good people, who do what they do to see the future. Let me explain. When people die, their spirits are no longer bound by Time. So, spirits can effectively see the distant future, and long ago. This is the main reason for Necromancy.

However, some Necromancers are evil. They take the life energies from people to make themselves stronger and their targets weaker.

In computer games, Necromancers are stuck with a limited number of spells. In reality, this is not the case. They are able to use other casters spells and write their own.

In conclusion, a Necromancer is not someone you want to be on the bad side of!

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