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The Force That Compels Us...

3-6-03: 10:45 PM: Nothing is up besides this...But that has nothing in it anyways... just yet...
3-7-03: 5:55 PM: Got Animations for me up... and this...for devin... this'll remain empty until he makes something...
3-26-03: 4:51 PM: Been so long since I've done anything...But I got a new animation I made yesterday night up here...
4-7-03 8:52 PM: Just updated my Bands/BaNd Of ThE wEeK Page...

Yup... Haven't updated this in months... and I figured I'd let the very few of you who look at this know...
This site has just died today... I'll keep it up for whoever wants to gawk at it... but otherwise,
This is gone... and I'm planning a new website sometime in the future with a whole better layout and content... so until then (7-2-03)

Guests since 7:40 PM Thursday, March 6, 2003: