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This layout wasn't made by me it was made by a friend for me to use. If you'd like to use it then e-mail me at And I'll see what I can do. 



* Christian stands in the middle of the ring with his new manager, Stephanie Mcmahon. The fans are still shocked, as they cheer for the New People's Champion. Steph extends her handshake, but Christian gently grabs and kisses it, getting cheers from the fans and putting a surprised smirk on the face of the Billion Dollar Princess. The music cuts and the fans begin a 'Christian' chant, putting a smirk on the face of both Christian and Stephanie. Christian points to Steph, and all of the men cheer even louder. After about 30 seconds of this, they quiet down and Steph hands the mic to Christian *

* "The New People's Champion" Christian * "Thanks, Stephanie. Now, I'm sure that you're all very confused, although happy, about what you see in the ring. And I'm gonna take this time to explain what's going on. Let's start with my debut promo, where I mentioned Lita. Then that led to me comfronting Matt Hardy about Lita, and their little divorce. But that's when I realized that getting into their little drama will never help me get to the very place that I'd like to be. And that is the top of this company. So, I thought to myself- 'Who could help me get there?' And the first person who popped into my mind was the best looking chick out there, Stephanie Mcmahon." *Fans cheer* "And so I took a look around, and found out that she wasn't 'taken'. I quickly got her on the phone, and we worked out this agreement. Ms. Mcmahon agreed to being my manager, as long as I don't try to rape her-and I'm cool with that." *Steph+fans laugh* "Now I'm sure that this is gonna make quite a few people mad, and I really don't care. Because if anyone has a problem with this, then don't bother saying a single word to Stephanie. If you're a man, who has a problem with anything that I've just said, you can come and see me, face to face. Now, on to my new main purpose in this company- becoming the Undisputed champion. I know that there are a lot of guys who want a shot at the big belt, but only one man is really championship material. I mean, lets look at my strong points.. I'm good looking, athletic, I always have gold around my waist, I'm young, and I have the best manager ever-in my corner. Who's gonna compare pound-for-pound with me? No one. Tonight is the beginning of the Stephanie/Christian era!" *Fans go nuts* "Man that sounded awesome. Anyway, I'd like to take a second to thank my new manager." *He looks at Steph* "Steph, I know that you're a very wanted young woman. And that you could manage anyone you wanted. And so, I'd like to thank you for choosing me over the rest of the men on the roster."

* Christian claps, then the fans begin cheering for Steph. She smiles and looks around, somewhat blushing. Christian hands her the mic and says "Thanks" The fans chant their names *

Stephanie! Christian! Stephanie! Christian! Stephanie! Christian! 

(OOC: Someone please continue)