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Victims: Brock-Kane-O'Haire-Cena (2X)-Triple H-Y2J-Kurt Angle

* Bret Hart is leaving the ring, when the lights suddenly fade low. They then begin to flash red and yellow, as "Invasion" hits the PA system. The fans go nuts, as Bret looks shocked. He steps back into the ring and waits. The curtains fly open and the WWE Intercontinental champion steps onto the stage with the title over his shoulder. He looks pissed off, even after his huge Smackdown victory. Ken glares down the ramp and into the ring, at Bret Hart, who is still confused. The music cuts and the lights come back on. The fans quiet down as Shamrock speaks to 'The Hitman' *

* "The WWE Intercontinental Champion" Ken Shamrock * "Bret, it's great to hear that you'll be around for a while. It's great to know that you're not leaving just yet, but lets think about something right now. I'm a picture-perfect 4-0 in the WWE since my return. I'm the WWE Intercontinental champion, and I cannot be stopped. What makes you think that you diserve a shot at the WWE title more than I do, Bret? Is it because you and Sean hate each-others guts? Well, you're not the only one who hates that punk, and wants to take the World title from him. Because so do I. But Bret, the last thing I want to do right now is show disrespect, so I'm not going to sit here and claim to be better than you. We won a tag match with Cena and Sean O'Haire a few weeks ago, and I have nothing but respect for you, and what you've done for this company. But, you haven't done even half the things that I've done since returning. I mean, you don't have a 4-0 record, nor have you held any title in this company. So this is the way I see it.. You want to get to the champion before I do? Well in order to get to the World champion, you've gotta go through me. I've beaten Triple H, John Cena, Kane, Lesnar, Angle, Jericho, and O'haire. Statistically, that should make me the number one continder. But, I'm willing to wait until the owner thinks that my time has come, then I'll go and get it. Unlike you, Bret. You come out here and tell the champion that you will face him next week, without proving that you diserve it. That's not the way things work around here, Bret. And that's why I'm almost sure that you'll accept my challenge. Wanna meet the champion for the title? Try beating me, a man who's defeated just about every heavyweight in this company. You've always been a man of courage, so you shouldn't stop now. Accept this challenge, and face me in front of your hometown crowd. Ken Shamrock vs Bret Hart on Raw next week. Are you a real man.. Or a wuss?"

* "Invasion" plays on the PA once again, and Shamrock stares down Bret, who returns the look. The fans cheer for both men, as Shamrock smirks. He then turns and disappears behind the curtains. The show fades to a commercial break *