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Blade of the Immortal

Lets get something straight, I may be one of the biggest nerds on the planet, but I do not read manga. Infact, until last summer I don't think I've ever touched one. It isn't that I'm anti-manga or whatnot, I just never saw anything that grabbed my attention. Sitting at my friend Sarah's house, she came into the kitchen and dropped the first graphic novel on my lap and simply said "Read it" before I even opened my mouth to say no. Being rather bored and too fat to go to the gym, I reluctantly agreed.

Blood, love, cool characters this manga has it all. The badass main character, Manji shows that no matter how incredibly badass you are, you can still get chopped up into tiny pieces. Which, I guess in retrospect, makes him less badass...Anyway, the story itself is simple enough. Man (anotsu) kills girl's (Rin) parents and now girl (Rin) wants to kill man (anotsu) with the help of another man (Manji). There ya go! It doesn't sound like much, but each person had their own ambition and reasons for doing what they do, unlike other comics where just jump out of no where and are like "I'm going to kill you!"

Manji- Working for Shinobunga he discovers that his employer is killing peasants to keep them quiet, so they don't tell anyone he's raising the taxes and skimming the extra off the top. After killing Shino Manji is labeled as a criminal and wave after wave of Samurai are sent after him. Four years are spent on the run, each one he meets he defeats. The comic begins at the very end of this, the very last samurai (number 100) is Manji's sisters husband, . Who ends up getting sliced and diced in a very brutal fashions, right infront of , which drives her insane. In the end, she ends up getting killed by one of Manji's enemies. So naturally, Manji decides to kill ten evil people for every one good guy he's killed in the past. Oh, did I mention Manji's immortal? Yeah, I guess I forgot that part.

Rin- Heir to the Mutenichi-ryu swordschool she is obsessed with avenging her parents that were killed by Anotsu Kagehisa. She spends her time whining and crying about her dead parents. Boo hoo, my parents where brutally killed infront of my hoo my mother was raped and then decapitated and sewn onto the shoulders of the man that wants to kill me. Whine whine whine