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CAD LAN March 26th 2004 Registration Page


LAN will be held in the CAD lab at the school. E-mail me ( if you need directions. Please fill out the below form and submit it. It will help the LAN's become better and better. Cost for attending is $8 if you bring a computer and want food.

Name (Real One): 

Name (Psydonym):

E-Mail Address:


Click on the following games that you have:

Worms: Armageddon

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2

Command and Conquer: Generals

Quake III: Arena

Unreal Tournament 2003

Halo: Combat Evolved


WarCraft III

Tribes 2

UT2003: Demo

Halo PC Demo


Brief Description of Computer (i.e. AMD XP 2100+, GeForce4, 256 RAM)



Extra Information that may be useful



Upon Clicking t his I agree that I AM coming to the GeekComp LAN at the CAD LAB on March 26th 2004. I also agree to abide by all LAN rules posted on I also understand if I do not register for the LAN I might not have a spot. The information you have given out will remain confidential. GeekComp will not send this information to other companies in order to make a profit.



(C) 2004 Proteus Zeffirelli and

"And this was odd becuase it was the middle of the night."