Brendan is a crochety old man at the ripe age of 22 who came to online RPing too late to understand any of the jokes, but does it too much to be able to refute claims of geekiness. He writes in the third person because he thinks it makes him look cooler, but we all know that's a load. He lives... somewhere in the vast emptiness between Chicago and Denver, where there is nothing but the howling wind off the prarie and the occasional buffalo crying for release from this wretched existence. Brendan does this too, sometimes, but it's not nearly so poetic when he does it.
He has a little brother that's better then him at everything, and contemplates murder more often then is probably healthy.
Brendan reads far, far too much and writes only as much as the bad people at the front of the class make him. Subsequently, he can use words like subsequently in sentances without having the slightest idea of what they actually mean. He goes to school because that's what people do, and is learning japanese because... um. Insert some reason that doesn't make him out to be otaku or have an asian fetish here.
He was once into drama and singing and artistic expression and inner beauty and all that, but he's not now. It is speculated that he saw his inner self and then bricked up the doorway before it could escape and ruin everything. He plays Kin in the RP. He played Himaru, too, but the little bastard was way too cheery and upbeat and had to die a brutal death. So he did.
-Star Wars
-Classical music
-Classical novels
-Singing and musicals
-Small groups of friends
-The color green.
-Foreign languages
-Big crowds
-Rap 'music'
-90% of anime and manga