Full Name: Sabaku no Hakusen. Hakusen owes his entire name to the other members of the community, who provided me with the name that Gaara’s relations had taken as their family title, and a name written “White Fan”.
Age: 15 Personality: Hakusen would love to take the whole world and wrap it up in his arms and huggle and snuggle it tight until everything was okay with everybody everywhere forever and ever. Hakusen does his best to hug everyone he knows as much as he can, and to listen to them when they’re down and cheer them up however he can. The mortal enemy of despair, Hakusen has made a kind of career out of finding silver linings. Irrepressible, he sincerely believes that if only there were a little more love in the world the terrible ninja conflicts could be put to rest. He’d rather talk things out with enemy ninja than fight, but if he’s forced into combat he doesn’t hold back. As horrible as it is for him to kill in battle, he’d be unable to go on living if he didn’t put all his strength into defending his loved ones. He goes wild with glee when he gets to meet new people, and living in Konoha has really allowed him to blossom. He takes a big brotherly attitude towards the genin during training, but otherwise he sees himself as one of the crowd. With an amorous streak a mile wide, Hakusen can usually be counted on to suggest spin the bottle or truth or dare at any party. Hakusen looks straight ahead. His eyes are always on the brighter future he believes he’s making with the help of his friends. He has a habit of fixing the word “Awesome!” to most statements. Style: Hakusen has a magic wardrobe that holds his ten thousand fashion magazines and five shirts. A style addict, Hakusen is always on the cutting edge of femmy fashion, accessorizing with the sparkliest flare that Konoha’s shops can provide. His basic outfit changes constantly, but in small ways. He often wears a sand chuunin’s vest, ninja fishnets and a white tank top or sleeveless sweater. Zippers are frequently involved. The position of his forehead protector shifts around day to day. He wears a pair of jeweled studs in his right ear, and thanks to Kankuro he has a skill with makeup that sees daily application. In serious combat and on missions Hakusen often wears a hooded cloak. Ichigo complains that Hakusen is frequently losing his pants, but Hakusen argues this is actually a rare occurrence in public. In private, Hakusen prefers as little clothing as he can get away with. Why put clothes between friendship? Family: Hakusen has a huge family by blood and an even bigger one by his personal decree. He’s decided at one point or another to adopt most of Konoha as his brothers, sisters, aunts, cousins and even a father in the case of Obito. It’s anyones guess as to how serious he means these adoptions. His mother is Temari, and Hakusen loves her fiercely. He learned most of his shinobi skills from his mother, and she cultivated his sense of independence and self worth. Hakusen doesn’t know who his father is, and is only vaguely curious- which seems to annoy Ichigo. Hakusen thinks that his uncles Kankuro and Gaara are two of the coolest people ever. He doesn’t understand why people are intimidated by Gaara, whom he enjoys hugging. Hakusen has a little sister named Shinobu, and he thinks she’s awesome. They get along perfectly well, without a trace of sibling rivalry. Recently, Hakusen found out that Michiru was his cousin, and he was very happy to welcome her into the fold, even though the process of finding out was sort of a rollercoaster. Gaara has three children, and Hakusen loves the little girls Eri and Aya and enjoys bringing them candy. Gaara’s son Ichigo is Hakusen’s special person, and if given an opportunity Hakusen will gladly spend hours describing just how special Ichigo is to him. Hakusen tells Ichigo things he doesn’t tell anyone else. Abilities: Hakusen focuses on ninjutsu skills. He really wanted to practice only non-lethal techniques when he was younger, but the reality of combat convinced him to learn death arts. His abilities reflect his sand heritage and his emphasis on efficiency. If he has to fight to the death he wants to end it as fast as possible. If there’s a chance that the conflict can end without killing, he’ll prolong it as long as he can. At a distance, he uses a variety of techniques that shape the terrain -including a few genjutsu- to disorient opponents or disable them. He picked up a number of water techniques in order to surprise enemies counting on him to use jutsu specific to his village. If the battle can have no outcome but death, he rains destruction with his kamaitachi and double kamaitaichi techniques, closing for the kill with his fan dance performed with bladed fans, or with a sword of wind edged with chakra. He has one small summon, a young weasel named Tat-chan who has become something of a mascot for his friends. Unarmed, he uses a desert serpent style of slow rhythmic movements and disabling lighting strikes. With a cooperative team, Hakusen is a very good squad captain. Trying to lead his friends though, he’s often hindered by the belligerence of the genin. Love Interests and/or friends: As far as Hakusen is concerned, he’s friends with everyone in the village. This does not take into account their feelings on the subject. Hakusen has been dating the medical ninja Makoto since shortly after his arrival in Konoha. Hakusen is passionately in love with the older ninja, although he still feels like Makoto has many mysteries to him he hasn’t shared yet. The two of them have a habit of spontaneously making love irrespective of location. This has led to them hiding naked in trees from children coming home from school on more than one occasion. Hakusen finds Makoto to be completely amazing and worries about him constantly when he’s out on missions. Hakusen has made out with most of the boys and some of the girls in Konoha. This likely would have happened even without the influence of Kisaragi Kusa’s passion inducing KusaGas. Hakusen loves Ichigo so much that sometimes it’s like an ache, but in a good way. Hakusen thinks the fact they’re cousins is just more evidence that they should always be together. Sometimes their relationship is ambiguous, but sometimes it isn’t. Hakusen never seems to be aware of the difference. He calls Ichigo “Ichi-chan” and is very possessive of him. Rivalry: Hakusen has no rivals. He can’t stand the thought of a rival. Why would he put so much time and energy into someone and not be their friend? He’s all about healing rifts between rivals, although so far he’s had little luck. The rivalry between Kin and Makoto really bothers him, but neither of them seem interested in resolving it. Hakusen does not look at Nyoko as a rival, because she makes Ichigo happy and he finds her to be charming.
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